Xerox Asset DB Auditor Ver.4.8.1 Software User Manual PDF

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Summary of Content for Xerox Asset DB Auditor Ver.4.8.1 Software User Manual PDF

Version 4.8.1

MARCH 2021

Asset DB Auditor User Manual

2021 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox is a trademark of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. BRXXXXX

Other company trademarks are also acknowledged.

Document Version: 1.0 (April 2021).

Auditor User Manual

- i - Asset DB v4.8.1

Table of Contents

1 GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Creating a New Project .............................................................................................. 1

1.2 Importing an Existing Project ..................................................................................... 1

1.3 Opening an Existing Project ...................................................................................... 2

2 WORKSPACE OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 3

3 FONT SCALING ........................................................................................................................ 3

4 LANGUAGE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................... 4

5 PROJECT STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................... 4

5.1 Creating a project structure ....................................................................................... 4

5.2 Searching within the project structure ....................................................................... 5

5.3 Marking project tree elements as complete or incomplete ........................................ 7

5.4 Assigning Sites, Buildings and Floors ....................................................................... 7

5.5 Project Contacts......................................................................................................... 8

5.6 Required Format for Floor Plans ............................................................................... 9

5.7 Making Changes to Floor Plans in Asset DB .......................................................... 10

6 SCALING FLOOR PLANS ...................................................................................................... 11

7 MEASUREMENT TOOL .......................................................................................................... 13

8 DEPARTMENT MAPPING ...................................................................................................... 13

8.1 Drawing Department Zones ..................................................................................... 14

9 ASSET TABLE VIEW .............................................................................................................. 16

9.1 Filtering Columns ..................................................................................................... 16

9.2 Table Tools .............................................................................................................. 17

10 PLOTTING ASSETS ............................................................................................................... 18

10.1 Positioning Icons from Icon Tab .............................................................................. 18

10.2 Unplotting Assets ..................................................................................................... 19

10.3 Plotting Icons from the Asset Table View ................................................................ 19

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10.4 Adaptive Icons ......................................................................................................... 20

10.5 Types of Assets ....................................................................................................... 21

10.6 Make and Model Input ............................................................................................. 21

10.7 Meter Readings........................................................................................................ 23

10.8 Barcode Scanners ................................................................................................... 24

10.9 Digital Cameras ....................................................................................................... 24

10.10 Thumbnail Gallery .................................................................................................... 24

10.11 Copy and Paste ....................................................................................................... 25

10.12 General Navigation for Auditing ............................................................................... 26

11 VIEWING ASSET INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 26

11.1 Viewing the Web Page for a Device ........................................................................ 27

11.2 Search ...................................................................................................................... 27

11.3 Statistics ................................................................................................................... 28

11.4 Filter ......................................................................................................................... 28

12 FURTHER ASSET FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................. 29

12.1 Changing Device Type ............................................................................................ 29

12.2 Relocating Assets .................................................................................................... 29

12.3 Multiple Selection ..................................................................................................... 30

13 FLOOR NOTES ....................................................................................................................... 30

14 PREPARING PROJECT FOR EXPORT AND SHARING ...................................................... 31

14.1 Adjusting global settings in Asset DB ...................................................................... 31

15 ICON LABELS ......................................................................................................................... 32

15.1 Displaying labels ...................................................................................................... 32

15.2 Configuring labels .................................................................................................... 33

15.3 Customising Labels ................................................................................................. 34

15.4 Adding Borders to a Floor Plan ............................................................................... 36

15.5 Adjusting Floor plan Image Size .............................................................................. 36

15.6 Automated Label Placement ................................................................................... 37

16 FLOOR PLAN KEYS .............................................................................................................. 38

17 IMPORTING AND EXPORTING DATA .................................................................................. 39

17.1 Exporting Data ......................................................................................................... 39

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17.2 Importing Data ......................................................................................................... 40

17.2.1 Import External Data ................................................................................................ 40

17.2.2 Using External Data before Mapping ...................................................................... 46

17.2.3 Date format when importing External Data ............................................................. 47

17.2.4 Import Asset DB Data .............................................................................................. 49

17.3 CSV Data Format .................................................................................................... 50

17.4 External Data Lookup .............................................................................................. 51

18 EXPORTING FLOOR PLANS ................................................................................................. 54

19 ICON CUSTOMISATION ......................................................................................................... 54

19.1 Icon Customisations ................................................................................................ 55

19.1.1 Icons ......................................................................................................................... 56

19.1.2 Icon Properties ......................................................................................................... 57

19.1.3 Colour Rules ............................................................................................................ 58

19.1.4 Fields ........................................................................................................................ 59

19.1.5 Validations ............................................................................................................... 61

19.1.6 Visibility .................................................................................................................... 62

19.2 Field Customisations ............................................................................................... 63

20 IMPORTING AND EXPORTING BACKUPS .......................................................................... 66

21 ORGANISING PROJECTS ..................................................................................................... 66

22 ASSET DB CLOUD ................................................................................................................. 68

22.1 How to connect to Asset DB Cloud ......................................................................... 68

22.2 Synchronising Projects ............................................................................................ 69

22.3 Project Notifications ................................................................................................. 72

23 DEACTIVATING YOUR ASSET DB LICENCE ...................................................................... 72

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- 1 - Asset DB v4.8.1

1 Getting Started There are three ways to begin using Asset DB when first opened.

1.1 Creating a New Project

To create a new project from scratch select File > New > Project1.

1.2 Importing an Existing Project

If an Asset DB project file or a project xml file has been supplied and is saved elsewhere on your

PC, go to File > Import > Project2 and navigate to the supplied file. Asset DB project files have

the extension .atd and xml project files have the extension .zip.

Figure 1. Import > Project

Note: Import Project should only be used for loading new or backup project files rather than each

time the application is used. For day to day use of an existing project, use Open Project instead.

1 Create New project functionality is not available with all licence types

2 Import of .atd files is not available with all licence types

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1.3 Opening an Existing Project

Go to File > Open or click the Open Project button at the top left to open a pop-up containing the

list of available projects. Select the desired project from the list and click OK to open.

Figure 2. Open Project

You can sort the Name and Last Used columns by clicking in the header. You can also search

for a project using the search bar in the top right.

If you have a TCO Analysis, Green Calculation, or Solution linked to a project, you can

simultaneously select it along with the project and open both together at the same time if your

licence level permits this. Please refer to the Analyst or Architect Manual for further assistance.

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2 Workspace Overview

Figure 3. Workspace overview

3 Font Scaling To optimise the Asset DB interface for different screen resolutions go to Options >Font Scaling

and select the amount you want your font to increase. Once selected, a pop-up window will

appear advising you that the changes will only take effect once Asset DB is restarted.

Figure 4. Font Scaling

Zoom Control

Statistics Console

Organisation Console

Asset Table



Tabbed Tool Console

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4 Language Settings Go to Options >General Options and select the Language tab in the pop-up. You will then be able

change your Asset DB language here. Changes will only take effect once Asset DB is restarted.

Figure 5. Language Selection

5 Project Structure

5.1 Creating a project structure

The console to the top right of the floor workspace is used to build the logical structure of your

organisation as shown in Figure 3. An organisation is represented as a tree of objects comprised

in hierarchical order of project, site, building, and floor. To add a new object, simply select the

parent object in the tree then click the appropriate button found in the toolbar above the tree. For

example, to add a new building to a site, click the site to which you wish to add a building, then

click the Add Building button in the toolbar, see Figure 6.

The tool bar at the top of the Organisation Console has several functions. Other than adding

sites, buildings, floors you can also attach floor plans, move objects up and down, sort objects in

ascending or descending order and mark sites, buildings and floors as complete.

Figure 6. Project organisation tree actions

Delete Object

New Floor

New Building

New Site


Floor Plan

Sort Ascending/ Descending

Move object up/



Object as


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Within the Project Tree, you will see the hierarchical organisation of floors within a building,

buildings within a site and sites within a project. If you choose to insert a secondary object within

a parent object, this object will appear directly below the selected object and not directly at the

bottom of the list. This will be the case whether inserting a site, building or floor (see Figure 7).

Figure 7. Inserting secondary objects

To sort objects in the list, use the green arrows to move objects up or down. To sort within a

parent object you can use the blue triangle icons to sort child objects alphabetically, e.g. to sort

floors within buildings or buildings within sites, etc.

5.2 Searching within the project structure

Searching for objects within the Organisation Console is possible through the search bar located

at the bottom of the console (see Figure 8). By default, the search will run on the object name but

you can choose to include other data fields in the search by clicking the search button to the

left of the search field, selecting the level for which you would like to include more data fields and

then ticking the fields you would like to be included in the following pop-up (see Figure 9).

Note: the search acts as a filter and will hide objects from view. In order to show all sites,

buildings and floors again you must clear the search bar using the grey cross icon to the right of

the search field (see Figure 8).

Ground Floor


Floor 2 appears below selected floor

Add Floor

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Figure 8. Search

Figure 9. Select Site fields to include in search

Once a new object has been added to the tree, its details may be changed in the console at the

top left hand side of the screen.

Figure 10. Floor Details

Clear search


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At floor level, digital images of floor plans may be attached by selecting the paperclip icon (see

Figure 6). Should the floor or other level be added in the wrong place in the organisational tree, it

may be repositioned up or down within that level using the arrow buttons or deleted entirely using

the Delete button (also in Figure 6).

5.3 Marking project tree elements as complete or incomplete

In the project tree, it is possible to select sites, buildings, and floors and then to mark them as


This might be a good idea when different parts of the project have been assigned to different

people (see section 22 for more details), in order to have an overview as to how much work has

been done so far.

To mark an element as complete, simply select it in the project tree and then click on the green

tick in the Project Tree console (see Figure 8). The element will then show a green tick next

to it. Once synchronised with the Asset DB Cloud (see section 22), these changes can then be

downloaded by other users. If an element has erroneously been marked as complete, the green

tick can be removed by selecting the element in the project tree and then clicking on the red cross


5.4 Assigning Sites, Buildings and Floors

Once you have connected to the Asset DB Cloud and synchronised your project (See section 21),

you have the possibility of assigning a name to each site, building, and floor. This facilitates

collaboration between several people on a same project by making it clear who should be

working on which element.

To do this you need to double click on a site, building or floor in the project tree and a second line

will become visible in which you can enter a persons name. (See Figure 11)

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Figure 11. Assigning a Floor

Once a name is entered, hit ENTER and it is saved. If anyone else is working on the project

simultaneously and is also connected to the Asset DB Cloud, they will see these updates


Please note that when you duplicate a project with assignments in the Project Tree, then these

assignments will be lost as they are stored on the server and not in the project itself.

5.5 Project Contacts

Contacts are project specific and are synchronised to the Asset DB Cloud when the project is.

Project contacts can be added in several ways:

The first is to use the button. This will open up a dialogue box in which a list of contacts

can be added. To create a new contact, click the button, fill in the required fields then click

Add. To edit a contact, select them in the list, make the necessary changes then click Update.

The second way of adding contacts is to do it directly from the Contact field. Clicking on the

magnifying glass will bring up the list of existing contacts with at the top of it, the option to add

new contacts. This will open the dialogue box shown in Figure 12.

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Figure 12. Add Contact

Fill in the contact details then click Create.

Once a list of contacts has been set up, they can be assigned to buildings or assets. The latter

requires the default icon customisations to be modified to include Contact fields (see section


To assign an existing contact, start typing the contact name, email or phone number in the

Contact field and then pick from the drop-down list.

5.6 Required Format for Floor Plans

Asset DB requires that scanned floor plans are size A3 with a resolution of 300dpi and 8bit colour

depth or less. The floor plan must not be any larger than 2400 x 1700 pixels. These settings are

optimal for speed of navigation and essential to the successful addition of floor plans. Floor plan

images larger than the maximum size cannot be added.

Supported file formats are:

PNG (preferred format for computer generated images)

JPEG (preferred format for scanned images)



The optimal format is a computer generated PNG of less than 2MB per floor. If your floor plan is

above the recommended size, Asset DB will automatically scale this image to the maximum

recommended size. It is essential that the floor plan match the sizing criteria laid out above for it

to be successfully added to your project.

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Adding a floor plan to a floor that already has assets plotted (see section 9) may cause assets to

be misaligned with the new floor plan or be un-plotted if they fall outside the boundaries of the

new floor plan. If this occurs, you will be warned via the pop-up in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Attach Floor Plan warning

5.7 Making Changes to Floor Plans in Asset DB

After selecting a floor plan to import, there will be a pop up with options for adjusting your floor


Figure 14. Attach Floor Plan dialogue

Here you have the option to decrease the image size, convert your floor plan to grayscale or

rotate it. These changes should be made before you plot any icons on the floor, as the icons will

not rotate or scale with the floor plan.

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6 Scaling Floor Plans

To be able to measure distances, the floor plan must be drawn to scale and you must set the

scale using the Scale Floor tool. To scale the floor plan you will need to know the length in feet or

metres of a particular section on the floor plan. Typically this would be the length of a wall or

partition or the width of a doorway.

To set the scale of the floor plan use either Project > Scale Floor > Scale Floor Plan (Ctrl+Shift-S)

or use the Scale Floor Plan button at the bottom of the Statistics tab.

Figure 15. Select the Scale tool

Figure 16. Enter a scale for the line drawn

Top tip: Standard doorways are typically 0.9 metres or 3 feet in width.

Once selected, your cursor will appear as

crosshairs. Click to place the start point of the

object you are using to scale the floor. At this

point your cursor will create a double ended

arrow. Find your end point, and click again to

complete the arrow. Once your scale line is

drawn use the pop-up dialogue to define the

length of that line in feet or metres.

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To verify that you have set your scale correctly, use the Measure Tool as described in section 7.

The measurement will remain on the floor. You can toggle the green measurement arrow on and

off by using Project > Scale Floor > Show Measurement (Ctrl+Shift-M). This will show or hide the

arrow and measurement that was entered as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17. Show scaled floor measurement

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7 Measurement Tool The measurement tool allows you to measure distances from one point to another point on a

scaled floor plan and also a circular radius around the measurement. This is dependent on setting

a scale for the floor (described in section 6).

Figure 18. Measurement tool

Select Measure from the Tools menu and simply click and drag away from a point on the floor

plan to display the distance measurement. A click of the mouse or a tap on the tablet pen will

make it disappear. To deselect the measurement tool, click on the Cursor icon.

8 Department Mapping

The first step you should perform before placing any of your assets onto the floor plan is to define

your department names and draw your departments on the plan. By defining your departments

first, the department drop down in the asset detail window (explained in section 7.1) will populate

automatically, speeding up the input process.

The Departments tab (see Figure 19) enables you to define your departments. Click the Add

button, name your department and choose a colour for that department. If you decide to change a

colour for the department click the Edit button to amend. Repeat this process until you have

defined all departments. You can add more departments later on in the process as needed.

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Top Tip: Choose bold colours for each department to give you more control over how brightly

they appear on your floor plan.

Figure 19. Departments Tab

Figure 20. Adding Multiple Departments

8.1 Drawing Department Zones

On the Department tab, select a department from the list you created earlier and click the Draw

button. Your cursor will appear as crosshairs. You can now draw a rectangular department on the

floor by clicking in one corner and dragging away to the opposite corner of the department.

The four corners will show as black nodes, each of which can be moved to suit the shape of the

department you are mapping.

New nodes can also be added as required by clicking on one of the edges of the department and

dragging away as shown in Figure 21.

Multiple departments can be added at the same time if

required by clicking the Add Multiple Departments

tick box in the Add Department pop-up. This allows

you to add a list of departments with each one inserted

on a new line (see Figure 20). Asset DB will then

assign a random colour to each entry. If the colour is

not suitable then it can be edited afterwards by

selecting the department from the list and clicking


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Figure 21. Drawing departments

Alternatively, a department can be drawn by clicking on the floor plan to place points marking the

corners of the department zone. To complete, hover over the first point until you see a yellow

border around it and then click on the first point again. Once your department zone is drawn you

can select it by clicking anywhere within it. Just like a rectangular department, this type of

department map can also be amended by moving existing nodes or creating new ones.

The cost per square foot/metre for a department zone can be entered in the details console to the

left of the workspace. Please note that a cost may be entered at any level in the organisation tree

but costs defined lower in the tree will override costs defined at higher levels.

Figure 22. Enter cost details for the department zone

Once a department is drawn, the name of that department will appear in a box within the

department zone. You can drag this box around the department zone to find a suitable place for




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it, but it will not move outside the area you have drawn. You can change the colour and size of

this label by going to Options > Display Options (Alt-Enter) and choosing the Departments tab.

A department zone can be deleted by selecting the zone on the floor plan and using the Delete

icon in the tool bar or pressing the Delete key. Deleting a department zone from the floor plan will

not delete any assets within the zone. If you decide to place a new department over the assets,

those assets will be automatically assigned to the newly created department zone.

9 Asset Table View

Figure 23. Table View

The table view allows you to view and filter your assets based on a variety of criteria. You can

expand or collapse the table by dragging the top bar up or down.

To change the visible columns, right click in any column header bar and choose from the options

on the menu. When you click More a list of available columns to add to the table will display,

allowing you to decide which columns you are viewing.

9.1 Filtering Columns

Columns in the table can be filtered by clicking on the right side of the column header as shown in

Figure 24. To show only one make of devices, you remove the tick marks from the others. To

take off the filter, click All or right click on the heading bar and select Clear All Filters.

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Figure 24. Filter View

9.2 Table Tools

Figure 25. Table Tools

On the right side of the table, there are 4 buttons for you to use in conjunction with the table. They

perform the following functions.

Plot Asset - Described in section 10.3, this button allows you to plot an asset on your

table that is not yet positioned on a floor plan

Change the Asset Type- Asset DB will assign a type of device to a model when it is

imported into the table (Section 17.2.2). To change it, or to set it in the first place if a

device is not recognised, select and choose the correct icon.

Relocate - Allows you to relocate a device to a new floor. More information on

relocation can be found in section 12.2.

Tool Button - Allows you to change settings on the table. The option to show assets

without a floor is found here.

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10 Plotting Assets

10.1 Positioning Icons from Icon Tab

Figure 26. Icon Tab

The Icons tab to the bottom left of the workspace can be used to select assets to be placed onto

the floor plan. To see what each icon represents, hover over it to display a description. After

clicking on the appropriate icon, it will stick to the cursor until placed on the floor plan by clicking

again in the desired location.

The icons can be resized using the slider shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27. Icon Size Slider

You can add more icons to your toolset if necessary. Instructions on how to add icons is found in

section 19. If an icon is selected unintentionally, you can click the Cursor button at the top of

the screen to cancel selection.

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Once an asset has been placed on the floor plan, details may be entered in the Asset Details

console to the top left of the workspace. When data entry is complete, click the Update button to

save the details.

If you are unhappy with the location of an asset, it can be moved by dragging it with the pen or

left mouse button.

Note: All actions such as placing and moving assets on the floor plan are instantly saved. The

application may be terminated at any time and no data will be lost.

10.2 Unplotting Assets

Once plotted on a floor plan; an asset can be removed by right clicking and selecting Unplot

Asset See Figure 28. The asset will be removed from the floor plan but will not be unassigned

from the floor. The asset will remain in the Asset Table below the Floor Plan window but removed

the icon will be removed from floor plan.

Figure 28. Unplotting an asset

10.3 Plotting Icons from the Asset Table View

After importing external data (Section 17.2.1) you may have some devices that are not plotted. To

see all devices that have not been plotted, first click and make sure the box is ticked in front

of Include assets without a floor. Then, click on the right hand side of the Plotted column header,

tick the box in front of False and untick True to show only unplotted assets. If False is not an

option, all of your devices have been plotted.

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Once you have a list of devices that have not been plotted, you can plot these devices. Click on

the device from the list and choose the Plot Asset button either from the right hand side of

the table, or by right-clicking on the device in the table and selecting it from the menu. This will

attach the icon to your cursor. Click on the floor to place the icon. You can also click on a device

from the list, and drag it onto the floor plan. Use the Search function described in Section 11.2 to

find the device you want to plot.

If the device does not yet have a type, you will be prompted to choose the correct icon as shown

in Figure 29.

Figure 29. Icon Selection

Once your device is on the floor plan, the Plotted column will change from No to Yes and the Site,

Building, and Floor columns will be populated.

If the Not Found field was ticked for an unplotted device, it will automatically become unticked

once the device is plotted.

10.4 Adaptive Icons

Some of the icons within Asset DB are adaptive, meaning they change dynamically to provide a

visual display of certain defined attributes. This powerful feature allows you to look at a floor plan

and determine at a glance which devices have nominated attributes, for example Colour Capable,

Inkjet, A3, Networked etc. Figure 30 shows how the icon formats change for these nominated


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Figure 30. Printer indicators

Please note that the colours listed overleaf may not match what you see if you have customised

your icons to change colours based on different criteria. See section 19.1.3 for more information.

10.5 Types of Assets

There are two types of assets: Data Only assets such as electronic equipment; and Data with

Thumbnail Image assets such as storage units. All assets have an ID, which is used by Asset DB

to uniquely identify an asset and locate it on a floor plan. An assets ID is unique.

10.6 Make and Model Input

Electronic items have drop-down menus for speedy and error free input of make and model

information (see Figure 31). These makes and models are drawn from an extensive database

unique to Asset DB. The first nine makes that appear in this drop down menu will be the most

popular models. Data entered in other ways may not be found in the TCO database.

You can also begin to type the name of a make or model into the field, and options will appear

below the field for you to choose from. Type in the most unique part of the model name (e.g. the

model number without name or abbreviations) to get the best results.

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Figure 31. Make and model input

Note: The icon customisation feature (described in section 19.2) lets you mark any given data

field as mandatory. These fields appear with a red outline as shown in Figure 31. After entering

data for a device, a pop-up window will warn you if you have forgotten to enter mandatory data

(see Figure 32). This is only a warning and will not force you to go back and update.

Figure 32. Validation warning

Mandatory field notification can be switched off within Asset DB; this is especially useful if you are

working on a project after the audit such as for solution design purposes. To toggle this feature on

and off go to Options > Field Validation.

You may also set your own validation messages through icon customisations. This is explained in

section 19.1.5.

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Depending on which options you have selected for a device, further options may become visible.

For example, if you tick the Large Paper Capable box to indicate that the device in question is

able to print on large paper, you will be presented with an option to indicate if this function is in

use or not for the device in question.

10.7 Meter Readings

The capture of device meter readings is an important part of the audit process. Asset DB

facilitates this by allowing the capture of rolling meter readings.

Figure 33. Meter readings

Meter reading fields will be visible based on information entered on other tabs. For example,

Figure 33 shows meter readings for a colour multifunction device that is large paper capable and

scan enabled. If the scan enabled tick box was not marked on the capabilities screen, the Scan

meter reading field would not be visible. A mono A4 printer would only show you the Standard

Mono and Life Total fields.

In the specification tab, you can specify how many colour meter levels the device is capable of

tracking. For mono devices, this will usually be 0. For standard colour devices, this will usually be

1. For devices capable of capturing three colour levels, you can select 3 and capture the readings

for the three colour levels.

Note: If you have a Life Count meter reading field as part of your icon customisations, this entry

will not take part in the printer statistics calculation under the statistics tab or statistics export.

Only readings split by mono or colour will be calculated.

Meter reading data can also be populated from an external source. Please see section 17.2.1 for

more information.

Click to change or delete

Add New Date


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10.8 Barcode Scanners

Barcode scanners may be used in the same way as keyboard input or handwriting recognition.

Place the cursor in the appropriate field then scan with the barcode scanner to populate it. By

programming the barcode scanner to emulate the key after scanning, the cursor will

automatically move to the next field. Thus, if there are several pieces of bar-coded information to

be entered, the barcodes may simply be scanned one after the other without interruption.

10.9 Digital Cameras

Figure 34. A digital image associated with an asset

10.10 Thumbnail Gallery

Each item in the thumbnail gallery has its own set of fields.

It is important that these fields are completed correctly so that accurate statistical analysis can

take place automatically.

Once an asset type has been added to the gallery, the same asset type can be easily selected

from the gallery with its details already completed rather than input each time. A selected

thumbnail is highlighted in red (see Figure 35).

The % symbol and cm should not be added to the numerical data entered.

Assets with thumbnail pictures may require a digital

picture to be taken of the asset type. The camera

software should be launched for the addition of a new

thumbnail into the thumbnail gallery. The thumbnail

gallery is accessed using the button below the

thumbnail. Once an image is uploaded from the camera

it will appear in the thumbnail gallery.

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Important Note for Storage Assets: When entering the number of drawers for storage items

disregard vertical separators. This is important for statistical calculations. Number of drawers (or

shelves) should be horizontal drawers capable of holding an A4 file. The number of drawers is

then multiplied by the greater of length and depth of the unit and then by the percentage

utilisation to calculate linear metres of storage.

Figure 35. Thumbnail gallery

10.11 Copy and Paste

When adding a number of assets of the same type there are three ways to use the copy and

paste tool to save you having to repeatedly re-enter the same information:

After inputting the first duplicated asset, press the Copy button. Clicking the Paste button

will then cause a duplicate icon to stick to the cursor and allow positioning on the floor

plan as normal.

Alternatively you can right click on the device and select Copy from the drop down, then

right click again and select Paste.

The third way is to select the asset, then use the Ctrl-C copy function and the Ctrl-V paste

function to stick the asset to your cursor ready to be positioned in the desired location.

Figure 36. Copy & paste asset

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10.12 General Navigation for Auditing

The floor plan for a floor may be viewed by clicking its icon in the organisation tree. The plan can

be moved by clicking on a free portion of the floor plan and dragging to the required position. The

floor plan may also be manipulated through a combination of using the zoom bar at the top of the

workspace, the reset zoom button and the scrollbars to the edge of the floor plan window.

When the correct floor has been selected, the available space for viewing the floor plan may be

increased by pressing the Expand button. This is a toggle button which will hide each of the side

panels in turn and then return you to the standard layout.

Figure 37. Expand/lock floor plan

All zoom and scroll settings are remembered from floor to floor within your Asset DB session.

11 Viewing Asset Information To display or edit an assets data in the Asset Details console, select the asset by pressing with

the pen or left clicking with the mouse.

Top Tip: When reviewing assets, it is useful to lock the floor plan to prevent the accidental

movement of assets. This can be done by pressing the padlock toggle button at the top right of

the screen (see Figure 37.)

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11.1 Viewing the Web Page for a Device

Figure 38. View device web page

11.2 Search

The search bar is at the bottom of the window (see Figure 39). The search text can be entered

either via a keyboard/handwriting pad or via a barcode scanner. You can search for an asset

using several different criteria. To define the fields you are searching for, click the arrow next to

the magnifying glass and choose Select Fields to Search. This will allow you to choose any

one or multiple data fields to search. As you type in your search criteria, the list of assets will be

narrowed down in the table above. The search will be based on the level you have selected in the

project hierarchy. For example, if you are at the project level, the whole project will be searched

for that asset.

Figure 39. Search bar

To clear your search and return to a full list of assets, click on the cross to the right of the

search bar.

Search Bar

Most network enabled devices run an embedded web server. If

the IP address of the device has been populated, right-click on

the device on the floor plan and choose Open in Web Browser

to view the devices web pages (see Figure 38).

Note: for this feature you must have an active network

connection to the network that the printer is on.

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11.3 Statistics

Summary information on the assets on a floor and department zone cost information can be

displayed using the statistics tab at the bottom right of the workspace. Statistics are displayed

based on the level of the project you currently have highlighted- project, building, floor or


Figure 40. Asset statistics

11.4 Filter

Figure 41. Filter tab

In Scope Out of


The filter tab may be used to hide and display

elements on the floor plan:

Department zones may be turned on and off.

All instances of a particular device type may be

displayed or hidden on the floor plan.

If variable icons are being used, the variable

device colours and print indicators that appear

on the device icon can be turn off.

Note: These filters remain in effect when exporting

floor plans to PDF (see Section 18).

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12 Further Asset Functions

12.1 Changing Device Type

In some instances you may need to change the device type of an icon on the floor plan. For

example, you may have placed a printer on the floor and entered all the appropriate data then

realised it should be an MFP. To change the device type either highlight the device and use the

Edit > Change Icon menu or right click on the device in question, choose Change Icon and then

select the desired icon from the resulting pop-up. In most instances the data will be mapped to its

corresponding field (e.g. data in the Model field will remain in the Model field). In cases where the

corresponding field does not exist in the new device type, the data from the non-existent field will

be placed in the comment field.

12.2 Relocating Assets

From time to time assets will require relocation across floors. The relocation function is found

either by right clicking the asset or using the Relocate icon in the toolbar. A dialogue will appear

allowing you to select the destination floor. You will be redirected to the new floor. The asset will

not appear on your floor plan, but it will appear in your table for you to plot in the correct location.

It is also possible to relocate an asset to the project level, the result of which is that it will be

unplotted and no longer associated with a floor. This is done in the same way as relocating to a

different floor, only the project level must be selected instead (see Figure 42).

Figure 42. Relocate Assets

You can also relocate an asset directly from the table, by choosing the Relocate button on the

right hand side of the table or in the top toolbar (see Figure 43).

Figure 43. Relocate button

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12.3 Multiple Selection

You can select multiple icons at once in two ways. The first method is to hold down the control

key on the keyboard and click one device at a time. You can either select them from the map or

from the table. The selected items will all have a square behind them signifying that they are


The second method uses the Multiple Select icon located on the main toolbar. Simply click and

drag to form a drawn area on the map, and all the devices inside the drawn area will be selected.

Once selected, devices can be moved as a group, deleted or relocated to another floor.

Figure 44. Multiple select

13 Floor Notes Floor notes can be added to the floor plan to share notes and ideas with other auditors or with the

solution architects. These are much like sticky notes as shown in Figure 45.

Figure 45. Floor Note

You can also pin the note to devices or areas of the floor by clicking on the pin in the top right

corner and dragging to the area you would like to pin the note to.

The look of the floor note can be changed by going to Options > Display Options (Alt+Enter) and

choosing the Floor Notes tab.

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14 Preparing Project for Export and Sharing

14.1 Adjusting global settings in Asset DB

More general settings for Asset DB can be managed through Options > General Options. This

pop-up has four overall settings that can determine:

- Data import and export settings

- Asset DB Cloud settings

- Photo import settings

- User name settings

See Figure 46 below.

Figure 46. Asset DB global settings menu

Within the User tab, there is a setting to Prompt for a name at start-up. This will mean that every

time Asset DB is opened, the user will have to enter a name before they can proceed. This will

then populate any data exported from the project with the name of the user who entered the data.

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15 Icon Labels

15.1 Displaying labels

Asset DB can show a label for each icon on a floor plan via the View > Icon Labels menu item.

Ticking the box will turn on the icon labels.

Figure 47. Displaying icon labels

Note: The same result can be obtained by going to Options>Display Options and ticking the

Icon Label box.

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15.2 Configuring labels

Asset DB gives you the option to create different configurations to modify labels, floor borders

and highlight colours depending on your needs or preferences, by going to Options>Display

Options. Once you have made the selection the Project Options window will be displayed (see

Figure 48)

Figure 48. Project Options

To create a new configuration simply select the New button and edit the name on the

Configuration Name field.

In addition to creating new configurations, you are able to duplicate, delete or set your

configuration as default for all future projects, see Figure 49.

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Figure 49. Project Options toolbar

Pressing the arrow next to the configuration name grants you access to the list of existing

configurations in your project and lets you to switch between them.

Your preferred configuration is synchronised with the project. Other users will be able to select

your configuration once they have updated the project from the server.

There are two new options on the toolbar at the bottom, Export and Import. The Export

button allows you to export and save the selected configuration. The Import button makes it

possible to import a previously exported configuration into a different project.

Note: The display configuration export uses the following extension .atg

To save your configuration click the Apply button. By selecting OK, the settings will be saved

and the Project Options dialogue will close. Clicking Cancel discards all the changes and your

configuration will not be saved.

15.3 Customising Labels

Labels can be customized by going to Options > Display Options (Alt-Enter) and choosing Asset

Labels. This will allow you to set a different colour background for devices that are in and out of

scope as well as adjust the font, colour and size of the text.

It is also possible to edit what information is displayed on the labels. Selecting the Configure

button allows you to add/remove rows of text, select which text field will show and whether or not

the title of the field will show.

The Filter and Substitution options allow you to filter out commonly used or unnecessary words

and use abbreviations for longer words.

Creates new


from default


Make a copy of

current selected




remove current


Save and overwrite


configuration with

current settings.

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Figure 50. Customising icon labels

The filter field can be used to enhance the text options in the labels. For example, it is possible to

enter LaserJet as the filter so that a LaserJet4350 would be shown simply as 4350.

The substitution option allows you to abbreviate or shorten your labels. Multiple substitutions can

be made using a comma separated list. An example of a common substitution would be for

Hewlett-Packard to display as HP.

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15.4 Adding Borders to a Floor Plan

Figure 51. Adding a border to a floor plan image

Asset DB can add borders to floor plan images via the Options > Display Options (Alt+Enter) >

Floor Plans menu item. These options apply specifically to the project. The border can be applied

to all floors in the project or just to the current floor being viewed.

Each border (top, bottom, left and right) can be set individually or the Lock border size sliders

tick-box can be used to set them all as the same.

Borders are included in exports of the floor image and can be used to place labels outside the

floor plan itself.

15.5 Adjusting Floor plan Image Size

Within the popup there is also the option to reduce the image quality and thus reduce the size of

the floor plan file. This is important for computer generated images or scans where the dpi is

higher than 300 resulting in very large floor plan images. Reducing the image quality in the export

enables a smaller

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15.6 Automated Label Placement

Icon labels can be dragged around the floor plan just like the icons themselves. This feature

allows for the exact positioning of labels.

Asset DB also provides an automated label placement option. This feature is found under

Options>Display Options. This will bring up the options dialogue seen in Figure 52.

Figure 52. Automated Label Placement options dialogue

The various options are described below.

Central: selecting this option will cause Asset DB to place each label as close to the

corresponding asset as possible, while attempting to prevent label overlaps.

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Edge: selecting this option will cause Asset DB to place all labels at the edge of the floor

plan (or in the border area if a border is in use). Selecting Edge enables the following


o Max Label Rows/Columns: sets the maximum number of label rows/columns that

should be used on any given edge if all the labels cannot be placed in a single

row/column along that edge.

o Horizontal Label Gap: this option controls the horizontal gap between labels.

Labels will always be placed at least as far apart as the distance (in pixels)

specified by this value.

o Vertical Label Gap: this option controls the vertical gap between labels. Labels will

always be placed at least as far apart as the distance (in pixels) specified by this


o Label spacing: this option will add space around labels when reorganising,

keeping all labels clear and visible.

Push apart edge labels: This option affects the edge placement and will spread the labels

around the edge of the floor plan.

Once you have set up the options as you would like, go to Tools > Rearrange Icon Labels.

Selecting this option causes the icon labels to be placed automatically by Asset DB. Please note

that this operation cannot be undone.

Note: Every label configuration created in a project is stored in the server the moment the project

is synchronised. The position of the labels will depend on the selected display configuration.

16 Floor Plan Keys

Figure 53. Example of an automatically generated floor plan


Asset DB can automatically

generate a key for all icons and

symbols on a floor plan. To show

the key for a floor use the Options >

Display Options > Icon Key panel

and tick the Show Key tick box. The

key will only show details relating to

the assets that appear on the floor

plan. If there are no A3 capable

devices on the floor for example, the

A3 capable notation will not be

displayed on the key.

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The first time a key is displayed it will automatically be positioned in the top left corner of the floor

plan. It can then be dragged around the floor plan and positioned as desired. Presentation can be

controlled via the Options > Display Options > Icon Key configuration panel.

Overall PDF or Word file document.

17 Importing and Exporting Data

17.1 Exporting Data

Once data has been input into Asset DB it may be useful to export the data for further analysis or

modification. This can be done via Project > Export. Below are the types of information that may

be exported from this menu:

1. Asset DB Data exports the base data collected in Asset DB to a Microsoft Excel file.

Either a flat CSV file or Microsoft Excel Workbook can be exported (in Excel format each

device type and gallery type is separated out into a separate worksheet).

2. Project XML- Asset DB provides the feature of exporting project data to XML (Extensible

Markup Language). This can be used to include Asset DB project data into websites and

external databases. Please consult your local Database/Web administrators for use of the

XML export. Xerox does not provide support for third party use of the XML.

3. Organisation exports all information referring to project, site, building and floor, such as

staff numbers, site contacts, access requirements, etc.

4. Floor Plans exports floor plans to PDF or JPEG format with the same tree structure as

that used in Asset DB. You can also choose to export the selected floor plan or the

original floor plans without any icons, departments, etc.

5. Gallery exports all gallery types with information on each type.

6. Icon Customisations If you decide to customise your icons, you can export that

customisation to use it again in future projects.

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Figure 54. Export data

17.2 Importing Data

This process can be used to create assets, to amend data in existing assets and to add new data

into blank fields that have not yet been populated. Existing assets are updated using this feature,

but assets cannot be deleted in this way. Any data added to the CSV file should be plain text and

contain no underlying formulas.

17.2.1 Import External Data Data can be imported from a number of third-party tools. Any CSV (Comma Separated Values)

file can be imported via menu option Project > Import > External Data.

Figure 55. Importing External Data

The External Data Import dialogue will be displayed and a CSV file can be selected by typing the

file path of the file to be imported or by choosing the button and locating via a standard

Explorer window:

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Figure 56. Choosing a file to import

Figure 57. Browsing for import file

In order to match new data to existing assets and to identify new assets present in the data file to

be imported but not yet present in the Asset DB project, it is important that columns containing

data in your file be matched to the correct Asset DB fields. On data import, after selecting the file

to import, Asset DB presents a column/field matching dialogue, as can be seen in Figure 58.

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Figure 58. Column/field matching for external data import

The top section of this dialogue shows columns that have been auto-matched to Asset DB fields.

These matches can be reviewed and, if the match is correct, left as-is. If the match is incorrect,

the correlation can be removed by clicking on the Break match button. This will then add the

column from the data file to the table of unmatched columns in the lower half of the dialogue.

In the lower table are displayed all columns in the data table that have not been automatically

matched to Asset DB fields. These columns are available to be linked to Asset DB fields by

clicking on the Select Asset DB field button. When this button is clicked, a secondary dialogue will

be displayed, showing all of the tabs and fields for assets available in the current project for each

asset type. The field into which the data in the columns should be imported can then be selected.

Once this is done, the matched column and field will be displayed in the upper table of the

External Data import dialogue.

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Figure 59. Selecting a field to match to column in import file

Depending on the source of your data file, you may have meter readings that havent been

automatically matched to the corresponding fields in Asset DB. If there are reading dates in the

column headers in your file, you can choose to insert the meter readings according to those dates

by clicking the Select meter reading field button rather than the Select Asset DB field button (see

Figure 60). This will match all the columns with the same header (e.g. Life Count [date]) and

import them against the date in each header. Please refer to section 17.2.3 for information about

date formats.

Figure 60. Select meter reading field

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Once all column-field matches have been made, click the Next button and on the following

screen, tick boxes will allow you to control whether your data creates new

sites/buildings/floors/assets or whether the import simply adds data to existing assets. Not all tick

boxes will show at all times, depending on the data in your import file and the impact on the

project. The tick boxes and their actions are as follows:

Overwrite existing values - allows any values in the import file which are different to those

already in the project to be used instead of the pre-existing values. If left unticked, the

data in the file will be used to fill gaps where data doesnt exist but will not overwrite any

existing data.

Create unfound assets as new - new assets to be added to the project for each asset

found in the file to be imported that is not currently present in the project. This option will

only be available if there are rows of data in your file that do not correspond to existing

assets in your project.

Locate / Relocate Assets allows new assets to be assigned to a site/building/floor and

existing assets to be relocated to a site/building/floor on import. All three fields in the

import file must contain values matching the tree structure in the project for the assets to

be successfully assigned to a floor.

Create missing sites, buildings and floors allows sites, buildings and floors to be

created by importing values which dont already exist in the project structure. Anything

which doesnt match exactly to the existing structure will be created as new so pay

particular attention to spelling and formatting to avoid creating duplicates.

Figure 61. External data import options

Make selections as appropriate for the way you want to import the data and then click Next. A

summary of the assets to be amended and/or created will be displayed. The assets shown on the

left-hand side of the dialogue box displayed can be selected and a breakdown of the changes to

be made will be shown on the right-hand side.

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Figure 62. Changes after import summary

On clicking Next, all data will be imported into the project and a summary of the changes made

will be displayed.

Figure 63. Changes after import summary

On clicking Close the dialogue will close and work can proceed on the project using the new

values and data imported.

Note: After matching the data fields and clicking Next, you may see a Warning screen rather

than the information about assets that will change as shown in Figure 63. This means either that

there will be changes to your data that need special attention (like, for instance, assets being

relocated to another floor and therefore being unmapped from their previous location as in Figure

64) or, more importantly, that there are errors in the data that will prevent it from being imported.

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In the event the warning message states that the data will not be imported, you will need to

review and amend your data file outside Asset DB to address the issues and then repeat the

import process to successfully add the data to the project.

Figure 64. External data import warning summary

17.2.2 Using External Data before Mapping

If you have not yet mapped devices, you can still import external data. Import the data as

described above, and tick the Create unfound assets as new box. You will see a popup telling

you how many new devices have been created as seen in Figure 65.

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Figure 65. Assets created

Click Close to view these assets on the table. Refer to section 10.3 for more information on how

to plot these devices.

You can run a TCO from this point without mapping the devices. All unplotted devices with a type

assigned will be included in your TCO.

Top Tip: If you are going to sync your project to the Asset DB Cloud, be sure to relocate any

unmapped devices to a floor. They do not need to be physically plotted on this floor but they will

not synchronise without floor details.

17.2.3 Date format when importing External Data It is possible to use a date column in the import file to indicate the date a meter reading was

taken. If your data file doesnt record the date of a meter reading in the column header but in a

column itself, click the Mark as Meter Readings Date button (see Figure 58) to indicate that the

dates for your readings are to be taken from that column.

Once you match a field containing a meter reading date, in most cases Asset DB will

automatically detect the appropriate date format to match the format in the import file. If the

format is not detected automatically, the dropdown shown in Figure 66 allows the user to change

the date format manually.

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Figure 66. Specifying date format for import

The date format used by Asset DB is a pattern. It is used to interpret the dates provided in the file

you are importing. As dates can be written in very different formats (e.g.; 1-12-80 or Dec/1/1980),

only the correct pattern will be interpreted as the correct date. The process of reading the date

text in the file is called parsing.

Within the date format certain letters are used to mean different aspects of the date (e.g. y for

year, a for am or pm). These letters are case sensitive as the different case letters do mean

different things in some situations.

Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples

y Year Year 1996; 96

M Month in year Month July; Jul; 07

d Day in month Number 10

E Day name in week Text Tuesday; Tue

u Day number of week

(1 = Monday, ..., 7 =


Number 1

a Am/pm marker Text PM

H Hour in day (0-23) Number 0

h Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number 12

m Minute in hour Number 30

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Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples

s Second in minute Number 55

S Millisecond Number 978

z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time;

PST; GMT-08:00

Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800

X Time zone ISO 8601 time zone -08; -0800; -08:00

Using the example date of 21st July 2014, there are some different format examples below:

Date in File Pattern

7/21/14 M/d/yy

21/7/14 d/M/yy

21 Jul 2014 dd MMM yyyy

21.07.14 dd.MM.yy

2014-07-21 16:05:36 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

July 21, 2014 MMM dd, yyyy

7/21/2014 4:05:36 PM M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss a

Monday, 21 July 2014 (BST) EEE, dd MMM yyyy (Z)

Asset DB will usually recognise the correct date format and use that automatically. An example of

a situation where you may need to specify the date pattern manually is where there could be

confusion between the UK pattern d/M/yy and the US pattern M/d/yy. Staying with the example

date of 21st July 2014, the fact that the d value is 21 means that 21/7/14 would be correctly

interpreted as following the d/M/yy pattern. However a date value of 2/7/14 in a file could be

interpreted either as 2nd July 2014 using the UK pattern or as 7th February 2014 using the US

pattern, so there may be occasions when verifying the selected pattern and even amending it

manually could be very important for the accuracy of your data.

17.2.4 Import Asset DB Data Asset data that has been entered manually into Asset DB and/or previously imported from an

external source can be exported from Asset DB and modified in a spreadsheet editor at any time.

To export data, choose menu option Project > Export > Asset DB Data, select the desired format

and export options, choose OK and select an appropriate location and file name for the generated


Changes can then be made in a spreadsheet editor, the file saved and re-imported into Asset DB

via menu option Project > Import > Asset DB Data.

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Important notes:

Project > Import > Asset DB Data can only be used to re-import files previously

generated by exporting data from the same Asset DB project. External Data cannot be

imported via this option.

No changes can be made to data contained in the _ID_ or _TYPE_ columns. These

contain important system data used by Asset DB and any changes made to data in these

columns will not be imported.

When importing Asset DB Data, no data relating to building, site or floor location, asset

type or asset category can be changed via import. Any changes to these attributes must

be made within the software.

These is one exception to being able to import new columns into Asset DB from a Project >

Import > Asset DB Data function. New meter readings can be imported into the date grid format

by inserting a new column, copy/pasting the column heading from a previous meter reading

heading and then changing the date.

For example: Copy the standard format column name B&W Large (21-Nov-2008),paste into a

new excel column and change the date to the date of the new meter reading. A Project > Import >

Asset DB Data function will now create a new meter reading under this date for the updated


17.3 CSV Data Format

When data is imported into or exported from Asset DB using the CSV format the data values are

usually separated by commas. However under some circumstances it might be desirable to use a

different character to separate the values, for example in countries where the comma symbol is

used as a unit separator for numerical values. Asset DB provides an option to configure the

default CSV delimiter character via Options > General Options > Data (see Figure 67).

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Figure 67. CSV Options Dialogue

The selection made in this dialogue will be applied to all Asset DB operations using the CSV data

format. If the Always prompt for delimiter option is ticked Asset DB will always ask for the

delimiter symbol to use whenever a CSV format operation is to be performed.

17.4 External Data Lookup

Asset DB provides the functionality to lookup data from any CSV document and map the data

found into the appropriate fields. This feature is designed to be used with all discovery tools (Web

Jetadmin, Centreware Web, PrintFleet etc.).

You can lookup multiple CSV files at one time using Options > Lookup Configuration. In the

window that appears, click Add to add a new file. This will launch the External Data Lookup Setup

window as shown in Figure 68.

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Figure 68. CSV Options Dialogue

The Help section at the bottom of the screen will walk you through each step of the process, the

first of which is to select your file.

The next window will show you a list of all the fields that Asset DB has managed to automatically

match at the top of the screen and all unmatched fields at the bottom. You can choose which

fields within Asset DB relate to fields in your data using the Select Asset DB field button in the

bottom section. Any incorrect or unwanted matches can also be unmatched in the top section by

clicking Break Match.

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Figure 69. Lookup data file column matching

If your file includes meter readings and the date of these readings is not picked up by Asset DB,

the next screen will allow you to select the date the meter readings were taken.

To populate the fields in your lookup file for a device, a unique piece of information must be

added to a field with a lookup (magnifying glass) icon next to it.

Figure 70. Lookup function

Once you have entered an Asset Number, Serial Number, IP Address or MAC Address you

should press the magnifying glass icon. The lookup will then scan the CSV files you have defined

in the previous step and look for a match in the data. Once a match is found it will populate the

remaining fields automatically.

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18 Exporting Floor Plans

The floor plan images may be exported to PDF or JPG format exactly as they appear in Asset

DB, i.e. the appearance of the floor plan as seen in the main window of Asset DB (including the

icon size, filters, indicators etc.) will be exactly what is seen in the exported PDF or JPG.

To export floor plans go to Project > Export > Floor Plans. A pop-up will appear allowing you to

choose which floor to export (see Figure 71).

Figure 71. Floor plan export dialogue

The layout section in the top right of the pop-up allows you to choose a file format and paper size

for your export. This is useful when the floor plan files that have been imported into a project differ

in size.

The quality of the exported images can be controlled via the Image Quality slider, with a higher

image quality resulting in bigger file sizes.

Note: Floor plans can also be exported to JPEG format on an individual basis by right clicking on

the floor plan in the main window and selecting Export Floor Plan or by going to Project > Export

> Selected Floor Plan

19 Icon Customisation Asset DB allows you to customise the data fields associated with each asset type, the order in

which they are displayed and the colour of each type of icon on your floor plans. You can

customise icons for a single project or you can define a default set of customised icons for use in

all subsequently created projects. This feature can be accessed via menu option Project >

Customise Icons. You will then have the option to customise Current Project (i.e. the project you

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currently have open in the software) or the Default Project, which will allow you to define the

standard icons to be used in subsequently created projects.

Once you have made your selection, the following dialogue will be displayed:

Figure 72. Icon customisation dialogue

19.1 Icon Customisations

The first tab, called Icon Customisations will allow you to edit the icons as they are displayed on

floor plans, define colour rules, choose which fields are displayed for each asset type, the order in

which these fields are displayed, whether the content entered into fields should be validated and

if fields should be showed as standard or whether their visibility should be subject to the data

entered into other fields.

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19.1.1 Icons

The Icons panel in the top left of the window allows you to edit the icon as it will be displayed by

default in the software. The icons available by default in Asset DB are shown here:

Figure 73. Available icons

To create a brand new icon, click the Add button in the top right-hand corner of the Icons

panel. This will create a brand new Icon and the properties to be decided will be shown to the

right of the Icons panel.

To select a pre-existing icon for editing, simply click on it in the Icons panel.

To create a new icon based on a pre-existing icon, select the icon you wish to copy and click the

Copy button that appears above the icon .

To delete an icon, simply click the icon to be deleted and click the Delete button that appears next

to it .

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19.1.2 Icon Properties

In each case, the properties of the icon selected, copied or created can be decided in the area to

the right of the Icons panel.

Figure 74. Icon properties

Name Name of Icon (e.g. Printer)

Category Asset type represented by this icon (e.g. Printer, MFD etc.)

Colour Default display colour of this icon in software and on floor plans

Icon Image to be displayed on this icon

Selection allowed Tick to permit use of the icon in the project.

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19.1.3 Colour Rules

The Colour Rules button allows rules to be defined to change the colour of an icon on floor plans,

depending on the data entered into one or multiple fields.

Figure 75. Colour rules view

To create a new colour rule, click the Add button above the Colour Rules panel . A new

rule will be displayed in the Colour Rules list and properties can be defined to the right of the list.

Colour the colour to be applied if criteria are met. The default colour for the selected

icon is chosen by default this should be changed.

Explanation A brief explanation of the rule being edited can be entered here.

Rule An explanation of the criteria to be fulfilled in order to apply the colour rule. Click

the Edit button to define criteria. Please note rules cannot be typed into this field.

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Multiple colour rules can be defined for a single icon by clicking on the Add button and defining

further rules. Rules will be applied in the order in which they appear in the Colour Rules list.

Figure 76 below shows how to define criteria.

Figure 76. Edit Colour Change Criteria

Rules can be reordered by dragging them in the list and deleted by selecting the rule to be

deleted and clicking the Delete button

Figure 77. Delete rules

19.1.4 Fields

The Fields button allows for the definition of the tabs and fields displayed in the Asset Details

area (left-hand panel of Current State tab). Fields are displayed according to the groups defined

(this is explained in Section 19.2).

Select any field in the Icon Customisation

Choice of criteria

Set multiple filters for one field

Insert an additional criterion

The criterion chosen will determine whether this is a drop down menu, a free

text field or a tick box

F and V buttons allow you to switch between

fields and values

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Figure 78. Fields view

To create a new tab, click the Add button in the top right-hand corner of the Icon customisation


Tabs are displayed in the same way in which they will appear when mapping assets in Current


Existing tabs can be renamed by clicking the Edit button, typing the desired tab name and clicking

Accept. Tabs can be deleted by clicking the Delete button.

The order in which fields are displayed on each tab can be edited by clicking on the field in

question and dragging the field to the desired position.

To insert a field not currently available in the selected tab, choose the field to be added from the

Fields list and either drag it to the desired position on the tab or click the field once in the list and

then click the Use button .

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To add a space between fields, click the Add gap button at the top of the dialogue . This will

add a new gap to the bottom of the fields in the selected tab, which can then be dragged to the

desired position in the same way as fields can be re-ordered.

Section headings allow you to group your fields together in the details panel. To add a section

heading to a tab, click the Add Heading button . This will add a new heading in bold font to

the bottom of the fields in the selected tab, which can then be dragged to the desired position in

the same way as fields can be re-ordered. To rename the heading, double click it, type the

desired heading and then press Enter on your keyboard.

User-added fields can be deleted at any time by selecting the desired field and clicking the Delete

button .

19.1.5 Validations

It is possible to define validation criteria for the data entered into asset fields. This is ultimately a

check to ensure that the data entered into that field is valid. If the data criteria are not met for a

field with validation, the field will be highlighted in red during data capture and a warning dialogue

box will be displayed when the changes are committed.

To set validation criteria for a field, click the Validations button in the bottom left of the window

(see Figure 79). Tabs and fields available for the selected icon will be displayed. To set validation

criteria, select the field to which the criteria are to be applied and click the Add button in the top

right-hand corner. A new validation rule will be added to the list of rules in the Validations section.

Below this, in the Criteria section the Message field is for the message to be displayed in the

warning dialogue box should the validation criteria not be met. The actual validation criteria can

be set by clicking the Edit button.

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Figure 79. Validations view

19.1.6 Visibility

By clicking the Visibility button in the bottom left, dependencies can be created between fields so

they only become available for data entry if specific data is entered in another field. For example,

the Scan In Use field could be set to be visible only if the Scan Enabled field is ticked. This can

help to keep things clear for auditors and reduce data errors.

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Figure 80. Visibility view

To define these criteria, select the field that should be shown/hidden should certain criteria be

met and click the Edit button.

Criteria can then be defined that, should they not be met, will prevent the selected field being


19.2 Field Customisations

The second tab in the Icon Customisation dialogue is the Field Customisations tab, in which new

data fields can be created for use in the tabs associated with each icon type.

On the left hand side of this tab is a list of groups, into which fields with a similar use can be

placed for easy relocation later. For example, in the Network group, fields such as DHCP

Enabled, IP Address, MAC, Subnet etc. can be found.

In order to create a new group, click the Add button above the Groups panel .

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Figure 81. Field Customisations tab

To the right of the Groups list is the Fields list. This list shows all fields contained in the selected

group. Fields cannot exist in more than one group at a time. If there are two fields with the same

name but in different groups, please note that the fields are different and cannot be used


To add a new field to a group, click the Add button above the Fields panel . A newly created

field will be named User Field by default and will be displayed with black text in the Fields list.

Pre-defined fields will be displayed in blue text.

To edit an existing field, click to select it in the Fields list.

To the right of the Groups and Fields lists, the attributes for each field can be viewed and edited.

The following fields can be edited:

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Name This is the unique name of the field used by Asset DB to identify each field. The

name used here will also be used as a column header in the Asset DB Data export file.

Display Name The name to be displayed in the software to identify the field.

Help text The text to be displayed should the user click the Help button

Data type The type of field to be created. There are a number of options in this list. For

types Drop Down and Editable Drop Down, the options available in the list can be

managed in the Options list below the Data type field.

Options - Where appropriate, Options can be added by clicking the Add button . Once

the option has been entered, click the Accept button . Options can be edited later

using the Edit button and deleted by clicking the Delete button . The order in which

options are displayed in a drop down list can be edited by clicking and dragging the fields

into the order desired. Below the Options, a tick box allows or blocks a Blank entry in this

field .

Unique - Requires the content of the field to be unique in the entire dataset. No

duplicates between any assets will be allowed in the project.

Ignore Case Ticking this box will mean that the field is not case sensitive.

Required Enforces the entry of data into this field. Asset changes will not be saved

unless data is entered into this field.

Read-only Disallows editing of this field in the software. Data will only be able to be

entered into this field via data import from an external source. Manual changes will be


No-copy Ticking this box will ensure that the contents of this field are not copied when

an asset is copied in its entirety using the copy and paste functionality.

Use in Solution Design When this box is ticked, the selected field is carried through to

the future state icon set. This option will be enabled for all fields that meet the following


o The field is not already present in the Asset DB default set of fields for Future


o The field is not a meter reading or gallery field.

o The field is not populated by volume generation on the project.

Volume Transfer: This option will be greyed out until the Use in Solution Design box is

ticked. Once it is available, the dropdown menu will allow you to specify how these fields

behave in the Solution. There are different choices depending on the input in Data Type


o Do nothing The value wont be visible in the Future State field.

o Overwrite The source value supersedes any other value in the Solution Design


o Update If Empty The source value will be visible in the Future State if the field in

the destination is empty.

o Update If Unchecked The source value will be shown in the Future State if the

checkbox or the option selected is different (e.g. The source value is Yes but the

value included in the Future State is No or empty. The field will show Yes).

o Keep Max The source value will be shown in the Future State field if it is larger

than the destination value.

o Keep Min The source value will be shown in the Future State field if it is smaller

than the destination value.

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When the box Use in Solution Design is selected, the field will be present and populated in the

Device Fate report.

For pre-existing fields, the Name and Data type are not editable attributes. For Drop down and

Editable Drop Down-type fields, the options are not editable.

The same restrictions are placed on user created fields once the Apply button has been clicked

after their creation. Once changes to the icon customisation set have been saved, they are no

longer editable. This restriction is enforced to ensure no data is lost, should the contents of fields

in pre-existing data-sets be incompatible with newly chosen data types.

It is strongly recommended that no changes be made to Current Project icon customisations if the

project already contains asset data. Changing icon customisations and fields can pose a risk to

existing data and can cause data to be hidden in Asset DB.

20 Importing and Exporting Backups Backups of the data held within Asset DB can be made using the File > Export > Project menu

option. This process may take some time depending on the size of the project. The resulting file

contains all floor plans, thumbnails and data and can then be shared with other Asset DB users.

Exported projects can be imported using the Import function described in Section. Please note

that this function should only be used for opening backup project files rather than during everyday

use of projects you already have available in your version of Asset DB when the Open function

will be more appropriate.

Top tip: If you have access to the Asset DB Cloud you can back up your project data by

synchronising with the server instead (see Section 22.2).

21 Organising Projects Asset DB allows you to delete and duplicate projects from your local PC. The facility for this is

under the File > Organise > Projects menu. You can sort, filter and search for projects in the

Projects window (see Figure 82). As seen in the figure overleaf, the column on the left is for

selecting multiple projects. You can sort any column by selecting the header.

To delete your project, highlight the project you would like to delete and click the Delete button at

the bottom of the screen to confirm. This should be done with caution and we would advise that

you export your projects and save them outside Asset DB beforehand if you think you will need to

access them again in the future. If you have an export available, you can then reimport a project

at a later date.

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The same process should be used to duplicate your project by highlighting the project and

selecting Duplicate3. A popup will appear for you to rename the project at this time. Give the copy

a new name or a new version to help distinguish between the copy and the original. This is a very

useful feature for creating proposed scenarios without affecting the original project.

Figure 82. Organise projects

The same process can be used to duplicate TCOs, Green Calculations, and Solutions.

3 Duplicate project functionality is not available with all licence types

Search for

Projects by


Select and sort


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22 Asset DB Cloud An additional function within Asset DB is the ability to synchronise projects to the Asset DB Cloud

(formerly called the Enterprise Server). This has many advantages:

i. Backing up your projects

ii. Allowing other Asset DB users to share project files, based upon the permissions set on

the project by the administrator

iii. Allowing many auditors to collaborate on a single project and share data

iv. Ensuring the same latest project file is available to multiple auditors before going to site.

It is recommended that before starting work on an existing project you synchronise with the Asset

DB Cloud to ensure you are working with the latest changes.

22.1 How to connect to Asset DB Cloud

To access the Asset DB Cloud you firstly need to configure Asset DB to point to the correct

location by going to Options > General Options and clicking on the Asset DB Cloud tab. This

information should only need to be set once when accessing the server for the first time.

Figure 83. Specifying credentials if connecting securely

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As shown in Figure 83 and Figure 84, the following should be specified:

1. Login / Password (only if connecting securely using HTTPS).

2. Server Name This is the host name or IP address of the server on which Asset DB

Cloud is installed. Your IT Administrator can give you this information.

3. Port This is the port that the server will be listening on. There is no user authentication

and data sent to the server will not be encrypted.

4. Secure Port Same as port but sends your projects securely using HTTPS.

5. Proxy Details (optional) If you access your internet connection through a proxy server

please enter the details here.

Figure 84. Configuring connection details

22.2 Synchronising Projects

If a project is open in Asset DB, it can be synchronised to the Asset DB Cloud directly by

choosing menu option Project > Synchronise. You will be asked to confirm the synchronisation. If

you answer Yes the currently open project will be synchronised with the server.

To download new projects or to check the status of one of the projects already on your computer,

go to File > Synchronise. You are presented with a pop-up confirming which server you are

connected to and the list of projects available to you (see Figure 85).

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Figure 85. Asset DB Cloud synchronisation pop-up

Additionally, this will show you for each project - its version number (as it appears in the project

details panel in your project), the permissions you have for it and its synchronisation status:

Up-to-date the client and server are both up to date

Upload to Server - the client has a new project which is yet to be uploaded to the server

Update Server the client has new changes to be uploaded to an existing project on the


Update Both both the client and server have available updates to an existing project

Update Client the server has available new changes to be downloaded to the client

Download from Server the server has new projects which are yet to be downloaded to

the client

Below the list of projects available locally and in your group(s) on the Asset DB Cloud, there is a

search field, which allows searching on all fields displayed in the Synchronise Project window, i.e.

Project Name, update date/time and Last Updated By username.

Once you have selected a project to synchronise, you will receive a pop-up enabling you to enter

a message (see Figure 86). Then click Yes and your project will synchronise to the Asset DB


Figure 86. Synchronisation text message

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Whoever synchronises the project next can then select History in the synchronisation pop-up once

the project is selected (Figure 87) and then look at the projects history and synchronisation

messages in the pop-up that follows (Figure 88).

Figure 87. Synchronisation history option

Figure 88. Synchronisation History

Asset DB Cloud supports field level synchronisation. This means that if two auditors/consultants

have updated the same asset, changes from both computers will be merged. If the same field has

been updated then data from the last synchronisation will be sent to the server as the final value.

For each project the time at which it was last modified on the server is shown along with the login

ID of the person who made the modifications.

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22.3 Project Notifications

If you have entered your Asset DB Cloud credentials in the General Options, then the

symbol in the toolbar in the top right of the work space will change colour when projects that you

have recently synchronised have been updated on the server. Clicking on the button will display a

list of the projects which have been modified with details about how many changes were made to

them and when. Hovering over a list item gives you the option to clear the notification,

synchronise the project or stop watching it you then wont receive any more update notifications

for this project (see Figure 89).


Figure 89. Project notifications

Project subscription preferences can be updated by going to Options > General Options and

selecting the Project Notifications tab.

23 Deactivating your Asset DB Licence If for any reason you need to transfer your Asset DB licence from your existing PC (i.e. you get a

new laptop) it is possible to deactivate your licence ready to be used on another machine.

To do this, go to Help > Licensing > Deactivate. You will be asked if you are sure you want to

deactivate and then you will get a pop-up containing your deactivation codes. Copy the text in the

pop-up by clicking the button, paste it into an email and send it to your dedicated support

team, explaining the type of licence you hold. You will then be sent instructions for how to

reactivate your licence on a different machine.

Note: it is advisable to make a back-up of your projects BEFORE you deactivate your licence by

synchronising them with the Asset DB Cloud. If you have any TCO and Green Analyses

associated with the projects, these should be exported by going to File > Export >

Manualsnet FAQs

If you want to find out how the Ver.4.8.1 Xerox works, you can view and download the Xerox Asset DB Auditor Ver.4.8.1 Software User Manual on the Manualsnet website.

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The User Manual should include all the details that are needed to use a Xerox Ver.4.8.1. Full manuals and user guide PDFs can be downloaded from

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This Xerox Asset DB Auditor Ver.4.8.1 Software User Manual consists of sections like Table of Contents, to name a few. For easier navigation, use the Table of Contents in the upper left corner.

You can download Xerox Asset DB Auditor Ver.4.8.1 Software User Manual free of charge simply by clicking the “download” button in the upper right corner of any manuals page. This feature allows you to download any manual in a couple of seconds and is generally in PDF format. You can also save a manual for later by adding it to your saved documents in the user profile.

To be able to print Xerox Asset DB Auditor Ver.4.8.1 Software User Manual, simply download the document to your computer. Once downloaded, open the PDF file and print the Xerox Asset DB Auditor Ver.4.8.1 Software User Manual as you would any other document. This can usually be achieved by clicking on “File” and then “Print” from the menu bar.