Casio YW-40 Adapter User's Manual PDF

Casio YW-40 Adapter User's Manual PDF
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Summary of Content for Casio YW-40 Adapter User's Manual PDF

1. YW-40USB-A A 2. B

This wireless adapter is intended for use with a CASIO projector. See the projectors Users Guide at the CASIO projector website above for information about how to use this wireless adapter (Models that come with this wireless adapter do not include a wireless adapter cover). Keep these instructions in a safe place for future reference. 1. Plug the YW-40 Wireless Adapter into the projectors USB-A port as shown in Figure A. 2. Attach the wireless adapter cover and tighten the fixing screw as shown in Figure B. Important! Keep the wireless adapter and wireless adapter cover out of the reach of small children. Accidental

swallowing can interfere with proper breathing and create a life-threatening situation. Keep the wireless adapter in a safe place when it is not installed on the projector. Never try to use a wireless adapter intended for this projector with any other type of device. Use in Other Countries

This product has been certified as complying with the wireless regulations in the country of purchase. Be sure to use it only in the country where you purchased it. Use of this product in another country may be illegal.

Dieser Funkadapter ist fr die Verwendung mit einem CASIO Projektor bestimmt. Nheres zur Benutzung dieses Funkadapters finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung des Projektors auf der CASIO Projektor-Website (Bei Modellen, die mit diesem Funkadapter geliefert werden, ist keine Funkadapter-Abdeckung enthalten). Bitte bewahren Sie diese Anleitung fr die sptere Bezugnahme an einem sicheren Ort auf. 1. Stecken Sie Funkadapter YW-40 wie in Abbildung A gezeigt in den USB-A-Port des Projektors. 2. Bringen Sie wie in Abbildung B gezeigt die Funkadapter-Abdeckung an und ziehen Sie die

Befestigungsschraube fest. Wichtig! Halten Sie den Funkadapter und die Funkadapter-Abdeckung auer Reichweite fr kleinere Kinder. Bei

einem Verschlucken kann die Atmung behindert werden und eine lebensgefhrliche Situation entstehen. Verwahren Sie den Funkadapter an einem sicheren Ort, wenn er nicht am Projektor installiert ist. Versuchen Sie nicht, einen fr diesen Projektor bestimmten Funkadapter fr einen anderen Gertetyp zu

verwenden. Verwendung in anderen Lndern

Dieses Produkt erfllt die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen fr drahtlose Gerte im Land des Erwerbs. Es darf nur im Land des Erwerbs verwendet werden. Verwendung in anderen Lndern ist u.U. illegal.

Cet adaptateur sans fil est conu pour tre utilis avec un projecteur CASIO. Reportez-vous au mode demploi du projecteur sur le site Web du projecteur CASIO ci-dessus pour plus dinformations sur la faon dutiliser cet adaptateur sans fil (les modles fournis avec cet adaptateur sans fil ne comprennent pas de couvercle dadaptateur sans fil). Conservez ces instructions dans un endroit sr pour vous y rfrer dans le future. 1. Branchez ladaptateur sans fil YW-40 au port USB-A du projecteur comme montr sur la Figure A. 2. Fixez le couvercle de ladaptateur sans fil et serrez la vis de fixation comme montr sur la Figure B. Important ! Rangez ladaptateur sans fil et le couvercle de ladaptateur hors de la porte des enfants en bas ge.

Lingestion accidentelle de ce produit peut gner la respiration et mettre lenfant en danger. Rangez ladaptateur sans fil en lieu sr lorsquil nest pas install sur le projecteur. Nessayez jamais dutiliser ladaptateur sans fil conu pour ce projecteur avec un autre type dappareil. Emploi dans dautres pays

Ce produit a t certifi conforme la rglementation du pays dachat concernant les dispositifs sans fil. Ne lutilisez que dans le pays o il a t achet. Lemploi de ce produit dans un autre pays peut tre illgal.


English Attaching the Wireless Adapter (YW-40)

Deutsch Anbringen des Funkadapters (YW-40)

Franais Branchement de ladaptateur sans fil (YW-40)





1. YW-40USB-AA

2. B


Este adaptador inalmbrico est diseado para su uso con un proyector CASIO. Para obtener informacin sobre el uso de este adaptador inalmbrico, consulte la Gua del usuario del proyector en el sitio web de proyectores CASIO indicado ms arriba (los modelos que vienen con este adaptador inalmbrico no incluyen la cubierta para el adaptador inalmbrico). Guarde estas instrucciones en un lugar seguro para futuras consultas. 1. Conecte el adaptador inalmbrico YW-40 al puerto USB-A del proyector, tal como se muestra en la

Figura A. 2. Coloque la funda del adaptador inalmbrico y apriete el tornillo de fijacin como se muestra en la

Figura B. Importante! Mantenga el adaptador inalmbrico y su funda fuera del alcance de los nios pequeos. La ingestin

accidental puede interferir con la respiracin normal y provocar una situacin de riesgo de vida. Guarde el adaptador inalmbrico en un lugar seguro cuando no est instalado en el proyector. Nunca intente utilizar el adaptador inalmbrico destinado para el uso con este proyector con ningn otro

tipo de dispositivo. Uso en otros pases

Se ha certificado que este producto cumple con los estndares inalmbricos del pas de compra. Asegrese de utilizarlo slo en el pas de compra. El uso en otros pases podra ser ilegal.

Questo adattatore wireless destinato per luso con un proiettore CASIO. Per informazioni su come usare questo adattatore wireless, vedere la Guida dellutilizzatore del proiettore sul sito web del proiettore CASIO (I modelli forniti con questo adattatore wireless non includono un coperchio delladattatore). Tenere queste istruzioni in un luogo sicuro per riferimenti futuri. 1. Collegare ladattatore wireless YW-40 nella porta USB-A del proiettore come mostrato in Figura A. 2. Applicare il coperchio delladattatore wireless e stringere la vite di fissaggio come mostrato in Figura B. Importante! Tenere ladattatore wireless e il coperchio delladattatore wireless fuori della portata di mano dei bambini

piccoli. Inghiottendo accidentalmente il prodotto si pu interferire con la respirazione corretta, e creare una situazione a rischio della vita.

Tenere ladattatore wireless in un luogo sicuro quando non installato sul proiettore. Non tentare mai di utilizzare un adattatore wireless destinato per questo proiettore con qualsiasi altro tipo

di dispositivo. Uso in altri paesi

Questo prodotto stato certificato essere conforme alle norme sui wireless nel paese di acquisto. Fare attenzione ad usarlo esclusivamente nel paese in cui lo si acquistato. Luso di questo prodotto in un altro paese potrebbe essere illegale.

Denna trdlsa adapter r avsedd fr anvndning tillsammans med en CASIO-projektor. Vi hnvisar till instruktionshftet till projektorn p CASIO:s webbplats fr projektorer ovan angende detaljer kring anvndning av den trdlsa adaptern (skydd fr trdls adapter medfljer ej modeller som inkluderar denna trdlsa adapter). Spara dessa anvisningar p ett skert stlle fr framtida behov. 1. Anslut den trdlsa adaptern YW-40 till USB-A-porten p projektorn enligt bild A. 2. Montera skyddet fr den trdlsa adaptern och dra t fstskruven enligt bild B. Viktigt! Frvara den trdlsa adaptern och skyddet fr den trdlsa adaptern utom rckhll fr smbarn. En

svljningsolycka kan orsaka andningssvrigheter och medfra livsfara. Frvara den trdlsa adaptern p en sker plats, nr den inte r monterad i projektorn. Frsk aldrig anvnda en trdls adapter avsedd fr denna projektor till ngon annan typ av enhet. Bruk i andra lnder

Denna produkt har intygats att efterleva bestmmelser om trdls utrustning i landet dr den kptes. Anvnd produkten endast i landet dr den kptes. Anvndning av produkten i andra lnder kan vara olaglig.

Este adaptador sem fio destina-se ao uso com um projetor CASIO. Consulte o Guia do Usurio do projetor no website de projetores CASIO acima para as informaes sobre como usar este adaptador sem fio (Modelos que vm com este adaptador sem fios no incluem uma tampa para o adaptador sem fios). Guarde estas instrues em um lugar seguro para futuras consultas. 1. Conecte o adaptador sem fio YW-40 porta USB-A do projetor, como mostrado na Figura A. 2. Coloque a tampa do adaptador sem fio e aperte o parafuso de fixao como mostrado na Figura B. Importante! Mantenha o adaptador sem fio e a tampa do adaptador sem fio fora do alcance de crianas pequenas.

O engolimento acidental pode interferir com a respirao apropriada e criar uma situao ameaadora vida.

Guarde o adaptador sem fio num lugar seguro quando o mesmo no estiver instalado no projetor. Nunca tente usar o adaptador sem fio concebido para este projetor com qualquer outro tipo de

dispositivo. Uso em outros pases

Este produto foi certificado para cumprir com os regulamentos de comunicaes sem fios no pas de compra. Certifique-se de us-lo somente no pas onde o comprou. O uso deste produto em outro pas pode ser ilegal.

Espaol Conexin del adaptador inalmbrico (YW-40)

Italiano Collegamento delladattatore wireless (YW-40)

Svenska Montering av den trdlsa adaptern (YW-40)

Portugus Instalao do adaptador sem fio (YW-40)

CASIO. . - CASIO (, , ). . 1. YW-40 USB-A ,

. A. 2. ,

. B. ! .


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De draadloze adapter is bedoeld voor gebruik met een CASIO projector. Zie de Gebruikershandleiding op de hierboven vermelde CASIO projector-website voor informatie over hoe u deze draadloze adapter moet gebruiken (Modellen die geleverd worden met deze draadloze adapter worden niet geleverd met een afdekking van de draadloze adapter). Bewaar deze instructies zodat u ze later nog eens zult kunnen naslaan. 1. Steek de YW-40 draadloze adapter in de USB-A-aansluiting van de projector, zoals u kunt zien op

afbeelding A. 2. Bevestig de afdekking van de draadloze adapter en draai de bevestigingsschroef vast zoals u kunt zien

op afbeelding B. Belangrijk! Houd de draadloze adapter en de afdekking van de draadloze adapter buiten bereik van kleine kinderen.

Als deze onderdelen onverhoopt worden ingeslikt, kunnen ze de ademhaling belemmeren, wat kan leiden tot een levensbedreigende situatie.

Bewaar de draadloze adapter op een veilige plek wanneer deze niet aan de projector is bevestigd. Probeer in geen geval een draadloze adapter die bedoeld is voor gebruik met deze projector te gebruiken

met andere apparatuur. Gebruik in andere landen

Dit product is gecertificeerd voor de regelgeving aangaande draadloze apparatuur in het land van aankoop. Gebruik het daarom alleen in het land waar u het gekocht hebt. Gebruik van dit product in een ander land kan illegaal zijn.

Tm langaton sovitin on tarkoitettu kytettvksi CASIO-projektorin kanssa. Katso tmn langattoman sovittimen kyttohjeita projektorin Kyttjn oppaasta, joka sijaitsee yll olevalla CASIO-projektoreiden verkkosivustolla (Mallit, joiden mukana tm langaton sovitin toimitetaan, eivt sisll langattoman sovittimen suojusta). Silyt nit ohjeita turvallisessa paikassa tulevaa tarvetta varten. 1. Kytke langaton YW-40-sovitin projektorin USB-A-porttiin kuvassa A esitetyll tavalla. 2. Kiinnit langattoman sovittimen kansi paikalleen ja kirist kiinnitysruuvi kuvassa B esitetyll tavalla. Trke! Pid langaton sovitin ja sen kansi pienten lasten ulottumattomissa. Jos ne joutuvat suuhun, ne saattavat

aiheuttaa hengitysvaikeuksia ja hengenvaarallisen tilanteen. Silyt langatonta sovitinta turvallisessa paikassa, kun se ei ole liitettyn projektoriin. l yrit kytt tlle projektorille tarkoitettua langatonta sovitinta muiden laitteiden kanssa. Kytt muissa maissa

Tm tuote on hyvksytty kyttn ostomaassa, jonka langattomia asetuksia se noudattaa. Kyt sit vain maassa, jossa ostit sen. Tmn tuotteen kytt jossakin muussa maassa saattaa olla laitonta.

Denne trdlse adapteren er beregnet for bruk med en CASIO-projektor. Se projektorens Brukerhndbok p CASIO-projektornettsiden ovenfor for informasjon om hvordan du bruker denne trdlse adapteren (Modeller der denne trdlse adapteren medflger leveres ikke med et deksel for trdls adapter). Oppbevar disse instruksjonene p et trygt sted for fremtidig bruk. 1. Koble den trdlse adapteren YW-40 til projektorens USB-A-port, som vist i figur A. 2. Fest det trdlse adapterdekselet og stram festeskruen som vist i figur B. Viktig! Hold den trdlse adapteren og det trdlse adapterdekselet langt vekk fra sm barn. Utilsiktet svelging

kan forhindre riktig pusting og skape en livstruende situasjon. Oppbevar den trdlse adapteren p et trygt sted nr den ikke er installert p projektoren. Du m aldri forske bruke den trdlse adapteren som er beregnet for denne projektoren med en annen

type enhet. Bruk i andre land

Dette produktet har blitt sertifisert for etterkomme de trdlse reguleringene i innkjpslandet. Srg for at du kun bruker produktet i landet der du kjpte det. Bruk av dette produktet i et annet land kan vre forbudt.

Nederlands Bevestigen van de Draadloze adapter (YW-40)

Suomi Langattoman sovittimen (YW-40) liittminen

Norsk Montere den trdlse adapteren (YW-40)



1. YW-40USB-AA

2. B

The U.S.A. GUIDELINES LAID DOWN BY FCC RULES FOR USE OF THIS UNIT IN THE U.S.A. (not applicable to other areas).

NOTICE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is

connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC CAUTION Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. Proper connectors must be used for connection to host computer and/or peripherals in order to meet FCC emission limits.

Caution Exposure to radio frequency radiation (below is for portable device) To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: 1. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled

environment, under 47 CFR 2.1093 paragraph (d)(2). 2. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or


The Wireless LAN USB Adapter has been tested to the FCC exposure requirements (Specific Absorption Rate).

Declaration of Conformity Model Number: YW-40 Trade Name: CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. Responsible party: CASIO AMERICA, INC. Address: 570 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Dover, New Jersey 07801, USA Telephone number: 973-361-5400 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

A B Canada These Class B digital apparatuses comply with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numriqu de la classes B est conform la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

These devices comply with RSS 210 of Industry Canada (IC). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) These devices may not cause interference, and (2) These devices must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired

operation of this device.

Lutilisation de ce dispositif est autorise seulement aux conditions suivantes: (1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) Iutilisateur du dispositif doit tre prt accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique reu, mme si ce

brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.

Exposure to radio frequency radiation The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canadas website at




2.4GHz 1.



1. 2.

2. 4DS/OF4

Europe Certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following equipments:

The information described above dates from July 2010 and may be subjected to future changes.

IEEE 802.11b/g/n(2.4GHz) 20dBm

To comply with the relevant European RF exposure compliance requirements, this YW-40 must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with other transmitter.

Note: This equipment is intended to be used in all EU and EFTA countries. Outdoor use may be restricted to certain frequencies and/or may require a license for operation. For more details, contact your customer service representative.

Espaol Por la presente, Casio Europe GmbH declara que el adaptador USB de LAN inalmbrica tipo radio equipo Modelo YW-40 cumple con la Directiva 2014/53/UE. El texto completo de la declaracin de conformidad de la UE se encuentra disponible en la siguiente direccin de Internet:

Deutsch Casio Europe GmbH erklrt hiermit, dass der Funkanlagentyp W-LAN-USB-Funkadapter Modell YW-40 der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU entspricht. Der vollstndige Text der EU-Konformittserklrung ist unter der folgenden Internet-Adresse verfgbar:

English Hereby, Casio Europe GmbH declares that the radio equipment type Wireless LAN USB adapter Model YW-40 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:

Franais Par la prsente, Casio Europe GmbH dclare que le type dquipement radio, adaptateur USB rseau sans fil, modle YW-40 est conforme la Directive 2014/53/UE. Le texte intgral de la dclaration de conformit UE est disponible ladresse Internet suivante:

Italiano Qui, la Casio Europe GmbH dichiara che il tipo di apparecchiatura radio adattatore LAN wireless USB modello YW-40 conforme alla direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo integrale della dichiarazione di conformit UE disponibile al seguente indirizzo internet:

Product description / Intended use

EU/EFTA member states intended for use EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom EFTA: Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway

Member states with restrictive use Belgium



Type YW-40

Products are for distribution within all member states of the EU. Belgium limited to 2400-2483.5 MHz Indoor, 2460-2483.5 MHz Outdoor use.

Manufacturer: CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD. 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan

Responsible within the European Union: Casio Europe GmbH Casio-Platz 1, 22848 Norderstedt, Germany

Nederlands Hierbij verklaart Casio Europe GmbH dat de radioapparatuur van het type Draadloze LAN USB- adapter Model YW-40 voldoet aan de eisen van Richtlijn 2014/53/EU. De volledige tekst van de verklaring van conformiteit voor de EU kunt u vinden op het volgende internetadres:

Portugus Pelo presente, a Casio Europe GmbH declara que o Modelo YW-40 do adaptador USB de LAN Sem Fios, um tipo de equipamento de rdio, est em conformidade com a Diretiva 2014/53/UE. O texto completo da declarao UE de conformidade se encontra disponvel no seguinte endereo internet:

Suomi Casio Europe GmbH vakuuttaa, ett radiolaite langaton LAN USB -sovitin, malli YW-40, on direktiivin 2014/53/EU mukainen. EU-direktiivin mukainen vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus on nhtviss kokonaisuudessaan seuraavassa Internet-osoitteessa:

Svenska Hrmed frskrar Casio Europe GmbH att denna typ av radioutrustning, trdls LAN USB-adapter modell YW-40, verensstmmer med direktiv 2014/53/EU. Den fullstndiga texten till EU-frskran om verensstmmelse finns p fljande webbadress:


Printed in Japan Imprim au Japon

A 00 11 20 14


Mexico : RCPCAYW14-0648




Este equipamento opera em carter secundrio, isto , no tem direito proteo contra interferncia prejudicial, mesmo de estaes do mesmo tipo, e no pode causar interferncia a sistemas operando em carter primrio.

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If you want to find out how the YW-40 Casio works, you can view and download the Casio YW-40 Adapter User's Manual on the Manualsnet website.

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