
Agilent 4UHV 9299210 Vacuum User Manual PDF

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Summary of Content for Agilent 4UHV 9299210 Vacuum User Manual PDF

Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller

Models 8299010, 8299011, 8299020, 8299021, 8299022, 8299101, 8299200, 8299201, 8299210, 8299211, 8299212, 8299213, 8299400, 8299401, 8299402, 9299010, 9299011, 9299020, 9299021, 9299022, 9299101, 9299200, 9299201, 9299210, 9299211, 9299212, 9299213, 9299400, 9299401, 9299402

Manuale di Istruzioni Bedienungshandbuch Notice de Mode DEmploi User Manual

87-900-137-01 (E) 02/2018

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Manual Part Number Publication Number: 87-900-137-01 (E)

Edition Edition 02/2018

Printed in ITALY

Agilent Technologies Italia S.p.A.

Vacuum Products Division

Via F.lli Varian, 54

10040 Lein (TO)


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Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

4UHV Ion Pump Controller

4UHV Ion Pump Controller

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4UHV Ion Pump Controller

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1 Istruzioni per luso 7

Informazioni Generali 8

Immagazzinamento 9

Preparazione per linstallazione 9

Installazione 10

Uso 12

Manutenzione 16

Smaltimento 16

2 Gebrauchsanleitung 17

Allgemeines 18

Lagerung 19

Vor der Installation 19

Installation 20

Gebrauch 22

Wartung 26

Entsorgung 26

3 Mode demploi 27

Indications Generales 28

Emmagasinage 29

Preparation pour lInstallation 29

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Installation 30

Utilisation 32

Entretien 36

Mise au Rebut 36

4 Instructions for Use 37

General Information 38

Storage 39

Prior to Installation 39

Installation 40

Usage 42

Maintenance 46

Disposal 46

5 Technical Information 47

4UHV Controller Description 49

Specifications 50

Interlock connection 57

Operating Mode 59

Start-Up 61

Serial 72

Display and Menus 89


Cleaning 108

Accessories and Spare Parts 109

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Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual

1 Istruzioni per luso

Informazioni Generali 8 Immagazzinamento 9 Preparazione per linstallazione 9 Installazione 10 Uso 12

Accensione del controller dal pannello frontale (modalit LOCAL) 14

Manutenzione 16 Smaltimento 16

Traduzione delle istruzioni originali


1 Istruzioni per luso Informazioni Generali

Informazioni Generali Questa apparecchiatura destinata ad uso professionale. Lutente deve leggere attentamente il presente Manuale di istruzioni ed ogni altra informazione addizionale fornita dalla Agilent prima dellutilizzo dellapparecchiatura. La Agilent declina ogni responsabilit dovuta alla mancata osservanza totale o anche parziale delle istruzioni fornite in questo documento, alluso improprio dellapparecchiatura da parte di personale non addestrato, allesecuzione di interventi non autorizzati o alla mancata osservanza delle specifiche normative nazionali.

Nei paragrafi seguenti sono riportate tutte le informazioni necessarie a garantire la sicurezza delloperatore durante lutilizzo dellapparecchiatura. Nel appendice Technical Information vengono fornite delle informazioni dettagliate.

Questo manuale utilizza le seguenti convenzioni:


I messaggi di avvertenza attirano lattenzione delloperatore su una procedura o una pratica specifica che, se non eseguita in modo corretto, potrebbe provocare gravi lesioni personali.

ATTENZIONE! I messaggi di attenzione sono visualizzati prima di procedure che, se non osservate, potrebbero causare danni allapparecchiatura.

NOTA Le note contengono informazioni importanti estrapolate dal testo.

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Istruzioni per luso Immagazzinamento


Immagazzinamento Per trasportare e immagazzinare il controller occorre osservare le seguenti condizioni ambientali:

Temperatura: da -20 C a +70 C

Umidit relativa: da 0 a 95% (senza condensa)

Preparazione per linstallazione Il controller viene fornito in un imballo protettivo speciale; nel caso in cui si presentassero segni di danni che potrebbero essere stati causati durante il trasporto, contattare lufficio vendite locale.

Durante loperazione di disimballo, prestare particolare attenzione a non lasciar cadere il controller e a non sottoporlo ad urti.

Il materiale dellimballo completamente riciclabile e risponde alla direttiva CEE 85/399 per la tutela dellambiente.

Figura 1Imballo del controller

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1 Istruzioni per luso Installazione



Per la sicurezza delloperatore il controller 4UHV deve essere alimentato con un cavo di alimentazione a 3 fili dotato di una spina approvata a livello internazionale. La sezione dei cavi deve essere almeno AWG18, 0,83 mm2. Utilizzare questo cavo e spina insieme ad una presa adeguatamente connessa a terra per evitare scosse elettriche e soddisfare i requisiti delle norme CE. Le alte tensione che si sviluppano nel controller possono provocare gravi lesioni o la morte. Dopo lo spegnimento dellunit rimane dellenergia residua allinterno del controller per un po di tempo. Attendere circa 1 minuto per essere sicuri che lenergia residua sia stata dissipata. Se questo controller non usato come indicato dal costruttore, le protezioni del controller potrebbero non funzionare correttamente.

ATTENZIONE! Il controller pu essere utilizzato sia come unit da tavolo che come modulo installato in un rack. In ogni caso deve essere posizionato in modo tale che laria possa circolare liberamente attraverso i fori di areazione presenti sulla copertura.

Nel caso in cui il controller viene utilizzato come modulo rack, DEVE essere installato in unadattatore alto quattro unit rack per evitare che cada allinterno del rack stesso (vedere la tabella delle parti ordinabili). Il pannello frontale del controller 4UHV non previsto per reggere il peso dellunit.

Non installare o utilizzare il controller in ambienti esposti ad agenti atmosferici (pioggia, neve, ghiaccio), nella presenza di polvere, gas corrosivi o in ambienti esplosivi o ad alto rischio di infiammabilit.

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Istruzioni per luso Installazione


ATTENZIONE! Il controller 4UHV appartiene alla seconda categoria di installazione (o sovratensione) prevista dalla normativa EN 61010-1. Connettere quindi il dispositivo ad una linea di alimentazione che soddisfi tale categoria. Il controller 4UHV ha dei connettori per gli ingressi/uscite e per la comunicazione seriale che devono essere connessi ai circuiti esterni in modo che nessuna parte sotto tensione sia accessibile. Assicurarsi che lisolamento del dispositivo connesso al controller 4UHV abbia un isolamento adeguato anche in condizione di guasto singolo come previsto dalla normativa EN 61010-1.

NOTA Nel caso in cui il controller viene installato in un rack, rimuovere i quattro piedini in

modo che venga posizionato con almeno 30 mm di spazio sotto e sopra.

ATTENZIONE! In casi rari di guasto il controller potrebbe emettere fumo. Se il cliente usa il controller in

camere pulite necessario prevedere adeguate protezioni per evitare di contaminare lambiente con leventuale fumo.

Durante il funzionamento, occorre che siano rispettate le seguenti condizioni ambientali: Temperatura: da 0 C a +40 C Umidit relativa: 0 90 % (senza condensa)

Simboli utilitzzati I simboli qui di seguito riportati vengono utilizzati coerentemente in tutte le immagini:

Attenzione, rischio di scossa elettrca.

Avvertenza consultare le istruzioni per luso/linstallazione

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1 Istruzioni per luso Uso

Uso In questo paragrafo vengono riportate le principali procedure operative. Per ulteriori informazioni e per le procedure riguardanti collegamenti o particolari opzioni fare riferimento al paragrafi UTILIZZO nellappendice Technical Information.

Prima di utilizzare il controller effettuare tutti i collegamenti elettrici e fare riferimento al manuale della pompa collegata.


Accendere i canali di alta tensione solo se connessi alle pompe ioniche tramite gli appositi cavi di alta tensione dotati del cavo di interlock.

Luso del controller inteso con cavo di alta tensione provvisto di interlock.

Figura 2Collegamenti delle masse


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Istruzioni per luso Uso


NOTA Se si vuole utilizzare un cavo HV senza interlock nel sacchetto accessori fornito un apposito kit di cavetti per interlock preassemblati. Con questo utilizzo si perde la funzionalit di sicurezza offerta dallutilizzo dellinterlock.

Fare riferimento alla seguente figura per montare correttamente il cavo di interlock fornito nel sacchetto accessori, qualora si voglia rinunciare al cavo di alta tensione dotato di interlock.

Figura 3

NOTA Linterlock del cavo viene chiuso sulla massa della pompa. Se il collegamento interrotto lalta tensione viene disabilitata.

Linterlock del cavo viene chiuso sulla massa della pompa. Se il collegamento interrotto lalta tensione viene disabilitata. Per collegare il controller alla pompa, utilizzare un cavo HV dotato di interlock (vedere nelle parti ordinabili).

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1 Istruzioni per luso Uso

Nella figura Collegamenti delle masse sono riportati i corretti collegamenti delle masse, del cavo HV tra il controller e la pompa e del cavo di interlock.

ATTENZIONE! Se si monta il cavo di interlock fornito nel sacchetto accessori fare molta attenzione affinch nessuna parte cada accidentalmente allinterno del controller.

Accensione del controller dal pannello frontale (modalit LOCAL)

NOTA Per accendere lalta tensione (HV) occorre che linterlock del cavo HV (cable interlock) sia chiuso (connettore inserito).

Procedere come segue per alimentare il controller e abilitare la tensione sui connettori di alta tensione (H.V.):

Spegnere il controller.

Collegare il cavo HV e linterlock del cavo H.V. nei relativi connettori sul pannello posteriore.

Selezionare la modalit LOCAL premendo per breve tempo il tasto MODE fino a quando appare sul display la scritta LOCAL.

Tenere premuto il pulsante HV ON/OFF (2) mentre si preme il pulsante HV-x (3,4,5,6) dove x il numero del canale che si vuole accendere o spegnere.

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Istruzioni per luso Uso


Figura 4Front Panel 4UHV Ion Pump Controller

Figura 5Rear Panel 4UHV Ion Pump Controller

Per spegnere i canali HV:

Tenere premuto il pulsante HV ON/OFF (2) mentre si preme il pulsante HV-x (3,4,5,6) dove x il numero del canale che si vuole accendere o spegnere.

Per ulteriori dettagli sulluso del controller e sulla descrizione delle informazioni del display fare riferimento alla sezione Technical Information.


(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

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1 Istruzioni per luso Manutenzione


In condizioni di emergenza per spegnere lunit e tutti i canali alta tensione disattivare linterruttore generale (1) posto sul pannello anteriore.

Mettendo in off linterruttore generale si spegner lunita HV.

Manutenzione Il controller 4UHV non richiede alcun intervento di manutenzione. Qualsiasi tipo di intervento sullunit deve essere eseguito da personale tecnico autorizzato. In caso di guasto possibile usufruire del servizio di riparazione Agilent o del "Agilent advanced exchange service", che permette di ottenere un controller rigenerato in sostituzione di quello guasto. Qualora un controller dovesse essere rottamato, procedere nel rispetto delle normative nazionali specifiche.

Smaltimento Significato del logo "WEEE" presente sulle etichette. Il simbolo qui sotto riportato applicato in ottemperanza alla direttiva CE denominata "WEEE". Questo simbolo (valido solo per i paesi della Comunit Europea) indica che il prodotto sul quale applicato, NON deve essere smaltito insieme ai comuni rifiuti domestici o industriali, ma deve essere avviato ad un sistema di raccolta differenziata. Si invita pertanto l'utente finale a contattare il fornitore del dispositivo, sia esso la casa madre o un rivenditore, per avviare il processo di raccolta e smaltimento, dopo opportuna verifica dei termini e condizioni contrattuali di vendita.

Per maggiori informazioni riferirsi a:

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Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual

2 Gebrauchsanleitung

Allgemeines 18 Lagerung 19 Vor der Installation 19 Installation 20 Gebrauch 22 Einschalten des Controllers von der vorderen

Schalttafel (LOKAL-Modus) 24 Wartung 26 Entsorgung 26 bersetzung der Originalanleitungen


2 Gebrauchsanleitung Allgemeines

Allgemeines Dieser Apparat ist fr Fachbetriebe bestimmt. Vor Gebrauch sollte der Benutzer dieses Handbuch sowie alle weiteren mitgelieferten Zusatzdokumentationen genau lesen. Bei Nichtbeachtung - auch teilweise - der enthaltenen Hinweise, unsachgemem Gebrauch durch ungeschultes Personal, nicht autorisierten Eingriffen und Missachtung der einheimischen, hier zur Geltung kommenden Bestimmungen bernimmt die Firma Agilent keinerlei Haftung.

In den folgenden Abschnitten sind alle erforderlichen Informationen fr die Sicherheit des Bedieners bei der Anwendung des Gerts aufgefhrt. Detaillierte technische Informationen sind im Anhang " Technical Information " enthalten.

In dieser Gebrauchsanleitung werden Sicherheitshinweise folgendermaen hervorgehoben:


Die Warnhinweise lenken die Aufmerksamkeit des Bedieners auf bestimmte Vorgnge oder Praktiken, die bei unkorrekter Ausfhrung schwere Verletzungen hervorrufen knnen.

VORSICHT! Die Vorsichtshinweise vor bestimmten Prozeduren machen den Bediener darauf aufmerksam, dass bei Nichteinhaltung Schden an der Anlage entstehen knnen.

HINWEIS Die HINWEISE enthalten wichtige Informationen, die im Text hervorgehoben werden.

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Gebrauchsanleitung Lagerung


Lagerung Bei Transport und Lagerung der Controller mssen folgende Umgebungsbedingungen eingehalten werden:

Temperatur: -20 C bis +70 C

Rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit: 0-95 % (nicht kondensierend)

Vor der Installation Der Controller wird mit einer speziellen Schutzverpackung geliefert. Eventuelle Transportschden mssen sofort der zustndigen rtlichen Verkaufsstelle gemeldet werden.

Das Verpackungsmaterial muss korrekt entsorgt werden. Es ist vollstndig recyclebar und entspricht der EG-Richtlinie 85/399 fr Umweltschutz.

Abbildung 1Verpackung des Controllers

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2 Gebrauchsanleitung Installation



Zur Sicherheit des Controller-Bedieners muss der 4UHV an ein 3-Draht- Speisekabel mit einem international anerkannten Stecker angeschlossen sein. Der Kabelquerschnitt muss mindestens 0,83 mm2 (AWG18) betragen. Dieses Kabel und dieser Stecker mssen an eine angemessen geerdete Steckdose angeschlossen sein, um Stromschlge zu vermeiden und den Anforderungen der CE-Normen gerecht zu werden. Die Hochspannungen, die im Controller entstehen, knnen schwere Verletzungen oder den Tod verursachen. Nach Ausschalten des Gerts bleibt noch einige Zeit lang Reststrom im Controller. Warten Sie etwa 1 Minute, um sicher zu sein, dass der restliche Strom dissipiert ist. Bei Benutzung des Gertes auf eine nicht vom Hersteller angegebene Weise knnte die Leistung der mit dem Gert mitgelieferte Schutzvorrichtung beeintrchtigt sein.

VORSICHT! Der Controller kann auf einen Tisch oder ein Gestell montiert werden. In beiden Fllen mu eine ungehinderte Zirkulation der Khlluft durch die im Gehuse vorne und unten eingelassen Luftffnungen gewhrleistet sein.

Wenn der Controller in einem Gestell montiert wird, MUSS er in einer vier Rackeinheiten hohen Adapter-Einheit installiert werden, um zu vermeiden, da der Controller nicht in das Gestell fllt (siehe dazu Tabelle der bestellbaren Zubehrteile). Die vordere Schalttafel des 4 HV-Controllers ist nicht geeignet, das gesamte Gewicht der Einheit zu tragen.

Der Controller darf nicht in Umgebungen installiert u/o benutzt werden, die Witterungseinflssen (Regen, Frost, Schnee), Staub und aggressiven Gasen ausgesetzt sind und in denen Explosions- und erhhte Brandgefahr besteht.

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Gebrauchsanleitung Installation


VORSICHT! Der Controller 4UHV gehrt zu der zweiten Einbaukategorie (oder auch berspannung), die von der Norm EN 61010-1 geregelt ist. Schlieen Sie daher das Gert an eine Stromleitung an, die dieser Kategorie gerecht wird. Der Controller 4UHV hat Anschlsse fr die Ein-/Ausgnge und die Serienkommunikation, die an externe Kreislufe angeschlossen sein mssen, so dass man zu keinem unter Strom stehenden Teil Zugriff hat. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Isolierung des Gertes, das an den Controller 4UHV angeschlossen ist, auch bei Einzelstrungen, wie sie von der Vorschrift EN 61010-1 vorgesehen sind, angemessen isoliert ist.

HINWEIS Wenn der Controller in einem Gestell installiert werden soll, mssen alle vier

Fe abmontiert und ber- und unterhalb wenigstens 30 mm (1,2 Zoll) Platz gelassen werden.

VORSICHT! In seltenen Fllen knnte der Controller bei Strungen Rauch ausstoen. Wenn

der Controller in sauberen Rumlichkeiten verwendet wird, muss er mit angebrachten Schutzvorrichtungen versehen werden, um zu verhindern, dass die Rumlichkeiten durch den Rauch verschmutzt werden.

Whrend des Betriebs mssen folgende Umgebungsbedingungen eingehalten werden: Temperatur: 0 C to +40 C Rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit: 0 - 90 % (nicht kondensierend)

Verwendete Symbole Die unten aufgefhrten Symbole werden durchgngig in allen Bildern verwendet:

Achtung, Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags.

Warnung Bitte die Hinweise zur Verwendung/Installation konsultieren.

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2 Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch

Gebrauch In diesem Kapitel sind die wichtigsten Betriebsvorgnge aufgefhrt. Fr weitere Hinweise bezglich Anschlu und Montage des bestellbaren Zubehrs verweisen wir auf das Kapitel "Gebrauch" im Anhang zu "Technical Information". Vor Benutzung des Controllers mssen smtliche elektrischen Anschlsse ausgefhrt und die Betriebsanleitung der angeschlossenen Pumpe durchlesen werden.


Schalten Sie die Hochspannungsleitungen erst ein, wenn diese mit Hilfe der dafr bestimmten Hochspannungskabel des Interlock-Kabels an die Ionenpumpen angeschlossen sind.

Der Gebrauch des Controllers muss unter Verwendung eines Hochspannungskabels mit Interlock erfolgen.

Abbildung 2Erdung




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Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch



Soll ein HV-Kabel ohne Interlock zum Einsatz kommen, befindet sich in dem Zubehrbeutel ein dafr bestimmtes Kabelset fr vormontierte Interlock-Teile. Bei diesem Gebrauch geht die Sicherheitsfunktion verloren, die man bei der Interlock-Verwendung hat.

Sehen Sie sich folgende Abbildung genau an, um das im Zubehrbeutel mitgelieferte Interlock-Kabel richtig zu montieren, wenn auf das Hochspannungskabel mit Interlock verzichtet werden soll.

Abbildung 3

HINWEIS Die Verriegelung des Kabels wird auf der Masse der Pumpe geschlossen. Wenn die Verbindung unterbrochen wird, wird die Hochspannung deaktiviert.

Die Verriegelung des Kabels wird auf der Masse der Pumpe geschlossen. Wenn die Verbindung unterbrochen wird, wird die Hochspannung deaktiviert. Beim Anschluss des Controller an die Pumpe ist ein HV-Kabel mit Interlock (siehe Bestellteile) zu verwenden.







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2 Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch

Auf der Abbildung Anschlsse sind die richtigen Anschlsse der Erdungen, des HV-Kabels des Controller an die Pumpe und des Interlock-Kabels ersichtlich.

VORSICHT! Beim Montieren des im Zubehrbeutel mitgelieferten Interlock-Kabels gehen Sie sehr vorsichtig vor, damit dabei kein Teil in den Controller fllt.

Einschalten des Controllers von der vorderen Schalttafel (LOKAL-Modus)

HINWEIS Um die Hochspannung (HV) einzuschalten, muss der Interlock des HV-Kabels (Kabel-Iinterlock) geschlossen sein (Verbinder eingesteckt).

Gehen Sie wie folgt vor, um den Controller mit Strom zu versorgen und die Spannung an den Hochspannungsverbindern (H.V.) freizugeben:

Schalten Sie den Controller aus.

Schlieen Sie das HV-Kabel und den Interlock des H.V-Kabels an die jeweiligen Verbinder am Rckenteil.

Whlen Sie die Modalitt LOCAL, indem Sie kurz die Taste MODE drcken bis auf dem Display die Aufschrift LOCAL erscheint.

Halten Sie die Taste HV ON/OFF (2) ) gedrckt und drcken Sie gleichzeitig die Taste HV-x (3,4,5,6) ), wobei x die Nummer der Leitung ist, die ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden soll.

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Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch


Abbildung 4Vorderteil 4UHV Ionenpumpen-Controller

Abbildung 5Rckenteil 4UHV Ionenpumpen-Controller

Um die HV-Leitungen auszuschalten:

Halten Sie die Taste HV ON/OFF (2) gedrckt und drcken Sie gleichzeitig die Taste HV-x (3,4,5,6), wobei x die Nummer der Leitung ist, die ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden soll.

Weitere Einzelheiten zum Gebrauch des Controllers und zur Beschreibung der Display-Angaben entnehmen Sie bitte dem Abschnitt Technical Information .


(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

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2 Gebrauchsanleitung Wartung


Bei Not-Aus schalten Sie den Hauptschalter (1) auf dem vorderen Bedienfeld aus, um das Gert und smtliche Hochspannungsleitungen auszuschalten.

Wenn Sie den Hauptschalter auf Off stellen, wird das HV-Gert ausgeschaltet.

Wartung Die 4UHV-Controller sind wartungsfrei. Eventuell erforderliche Eingriffe mssen von dazu befugtem Fachpersonal ausgefhrt werden. Bei Strungen kann der Agilent-Reparaturdienst in Anspruch genommen werden oder schlieen Sie einen Vertrag fr Agilent Advanced Exchange Service ab, mit dem ein defekter Controller gegen einen general-berholten ausgetauscht wird. Eine eventuelle Verschrottung mu unter Einhaltung der einschlgigen landesblichen Vorschriften erfolgen.

Entsorgung Bedeutung des "WEEE" Logos auf den Etiketten. Das folgende Symbol ist in bereinstimmung mit der EU-Richtlinie WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) angebracht. Dieses Symbol (nur in den EU-Lndern gltig) zeigt an, dass das betreffende Produkt nicht zusammen mit Haushaltsmll entsorgt werden darf sondern einem speziellen Sammelsystem zugefhrt werden muss. Der Endabnehmer sollte daher den Lieferanten des Gerts - d.h. die Muttergesellschaft oder den Wiederverkufer - kontaktieren, um den Entsorgungsprozess zu starten, nachdem er die Verkaufsbedingungen geprft hat.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:

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Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual

3 Mode demploi

Indications Generales 28 Emmagasinage 29 Preparation pour lInstallation 29 Installation 30 Utilisation 32 Allumage du Contrleur du Panneau Frontal

(Modalit LOCAL) 34 Entretien 36 Mise au Rebut 36 Traduction de la mode demploi originale


3 Mode demploi Indications Generales

Indications Generales Cet appareillage a t conu en vue d'une utilisation professionnelle. Il est conseill l'utilisateur de lire attentivement cette notice d'instructions ainsi que toute autre indication supplmentaire fournie par Agilent, avant l'utilisation de l'appareillage. Agilent dcline par consquent toute responsabilit en cas d'inobservation totale ou partielle des instructions donnes, d'utilisation incorrecte de la part d'un personnel non form, d'oprations non autorises ou d'un emploi contraire aux rglementations nationales spcifiques.

Les paragraphes suivants donnent toutes les indications ncessaires garantir la scurit de l'oprateur pendant l'utilisation de l'appareillage. Des renseignements plus dtaills se trouvent dans l'appendice " Technical Information ".

Cette notice utilise les signes conventionnels suivants:


Les messages davertissement attirent l'attention de l'oprateur sur une procdure ou une manoeuvre spciale qui, si elle n'est pas effectue correctement, risque de provoquer de graves lsions.

ATTENTION! Les messages d'attention apparaissent avant certaines procdures qui, si elles ne sont pas observes, pourraient endommager srieusement l'appareillage.

NOTE Les notes contiennent des renseignements importants, isols du texte.

28/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Mode demploi Emmagasinage


Emmagasinage Pour transporter et emmagasiner le contrleur il faut observer les conditions suivantes denvironnement:

temprature: de -20C +70C

humidit relative: 0 - 95 % (non condensante).

Preparation pour lInstallation Le contrleur est fourni dans un emballage de protection spcial; si l'on constate des dommages pouvant s'tre produits pendant le transport, contacter tout de suite le bureau de vente local. Pendant l'opration d'ouverture de l'emballage, veiller tout particulirement ne pas laisser tomber le contrleur et ne lui faire subir aucun choc. Le matriel est entirement recyclable et il est conforme aux directives CEE 85/399 en matire de protection de l'environnement.

Figure 1Emballage du contrleur

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3 Mode demploi Installation



Pour la scurit de loprateur, le contrleur 4UHV doit tre aliment par un cble dalimentation 3 fils dot dune prise mle approuve un niveau international. La section du fil doit tre dau moins AWG18, 0,83 mm2. Brancher le cble avec prise mle une prise femelle raccorde la terre de faon adquate afin dviter tout risque dlectrocution et de pouvoir remplir les conditions de conformit prescrites par les normes CE. Les hautes tensions qui se dveloppent lintrieur du contrleur peuvent tre susceptibles de provoquer des blessures graves voire de causer la mort. Aprs lextinction de lunit, il reste de lnergie lintrieur du contrleur pendant quelques instants. Attendre environ 1 minute pour tre sr que lnergie rsiduelle sest dissipe. Si cet quipement est utilis dune manire non conforme aux prescriptions du fabricant, la protection assure par lquipement risque dtre compromise.

ATTENTION! Le contrleur peut tre utilis soit comme unit de table que comme module install dans une armoire. De toute faon, il doit tre plac de manire ce que lair puisse circuler librement travers les trous daration prsents dans la couverture. Lorsque le contrleur est utilis comme module armoire il DOIT tre install dans un adaptateur dune hauteur de quatre units armoire afin dviter quil ne tombe lintrieur de larmoire mme (voir tableau des pices dtaches). Le panneau frontal du contrleur nest pas prvu pour supporter le poids de lunit. Ne pas installer ou utiliser le contrleur 4UHV dans des milieux exposs aux agents atmosphriques (pluie, neige, glace). En prsence de poussire, de gaz corrosifs ou dans des milieux explosifs ou fort risque dinflammabilit.

30/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Mode demploi Installation


ATTENTION! Le contrleur 4UHV appartient la seconde catgorie dinstallation (ou surtension) prvue par la norme EN 61010-1. Il est donc ncessaire de brancher le dispositif une ligne dalimentation qui soit adapte cette catgorie dappareils. Le contrleur 4UHV dispose de connecteurs pour entres/sorties et pour la communication en srie qui doivent tre branchs des circuits externes de faon ce quaucune des parties sous tension ne soitaccessible. Veiller ce que le systme disolation du dispositif branch au contrleur 4UHV soit adapt, mme en cas de pannes individuelles, et ce, tel que prvu par la norme EN 61010-1.

NOTE Si le contrleur est install dans une armoire, enlever les quatre pieds de

manire ce quil soit plac avec au moins 30 mm despace en haut et en bas.

ATTENTION! Dans quelques rares cas de panne, il est possible que le contrleur dgage de la

fume. Si lunit est utilise dans des environnements propres, il est ncessaire de prvoir la mise en place de protections adquates afin dviter que la fume ne puisse contaminer la pice.

Pendant le fonctionnement, il est ncessaire de respecter les conditions denvironnement suivantes: temprature: de 0 C +40 C humidit relative: 0 90 % (non condensante).

Symboles utiliss Les symboles reports ci-aprs sont utiliss sur toutes les images :

Attention, risque de choc lectrique.

Avertissement consulter les instructions dutilisation/de montage.

Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E) 31/116

3 Mode demploi Utilisation

Utilisation Dans ce paragraphe, on indique les principales procdures oprationnelles. Pour tous autres dtails et pour les procdures concernant des connexions ou des lments en option, se reporter au paragraphe "Usage" de l'appendice "Technical Information". Avant d'utiliser le contrleur, effectuer toutes les connexions lectriques et se reporter la notice de la pompe connecte.


Nallumer les canaux haute tension que sils ont t branchs aux pompes ioniques par lintermdiaire des cbles haute tension prvus cet effet et dots de cble Interlock.

Lusage du contrleur est subordonn lusage dun cble haute tension dot dInterlock.

Figure 2Connexions des masses




32/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Mode demploi Utilisation


NOTE Si loprateur veut utiliser un cble HV sans interlock, le sachet daccessoires contient un kit spcial de cbles pour interlocks prassembls. Lutilisation de ces accessoires provoque la perte des fonctions de scurit offertes par lutilisation de linterlock.

Consulter la figure ci-dessous pour monter correctement le cble dinterlock contenu dans le sachet daccessoires en cas de non utilisation du cble de haute tension quip dun interlock.

Figure 3

NOTE Linterlock du cble est serr sur la masse de la pompe. Si le branchement est coup, la haute tension est interrompue.

Linterlock du cble est serr sur la masse de la pompe. Si le branchement est coup, la haute tension est interrompue.

Pour relier le contrleur la pompe, utiliser un cble HV quip dun interlock (voir le bordereau de commande des pices).

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3 Mode demploi Utilisation

Les branchements corrects des masses, du cble HV entre le contrleur et la pompe, ainsi que du cble dinterlock sont reports sur la figure Connexions des masses.

ATTENTION! En cas dutilisation du cble dinterlock contenu dans le sachet daccessoires, il faut veiller en particulier ce quaucune pice ne tombe lintrieur du contrleur.

Allumage du Contrleur du Panneau Frontal (Modalit LOCAL)

NOTE Pour allumer la haute tension (HV), il faut que linterlock du cble HV (cble interlock) soit ferm (connecteur branch).

Procder comme suit pour alimenter le contrleur et habiliter la tension au niveau des connecteurs de haute tension (H.V.) :

Eteindre le contrleur.

Brancher le cble HV et linterlock du cble H.V. sur les connecteurs correspondants situs sur le panneau arrire.

Appuyer brivement sur la touche "MODE" pour slectionner la modalit LOCAL jusqu ce que linscription LOCAL saffiche sur lcran.

Maintenir le bouton HV ON/OFF (2) enfonc tout en appuyant sur le bouton HV-x (3,4,5,6) ; x correspond au numro du canal allumer ou teindre.

34/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Mode demploi Utilisation


Figure 4Panneau avant 4UHV sur le contrleur de pompe

Figure 5Panneau arrire 4UHV sur le contrleur de pompe

Pour teindre les canaux HV :

Maintenir le bouton HV ON/OFF (2) enfonc tout en appuyant sur le bouton HV-x (3,4,5,6)) ; x correspond au numro du canal allumer ou teindre.

Pour plus de renseignements sur lusage du contrleur et sur la description des informations de lcran, consulter la section Technical Information .


(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

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3 Mode demploi Entretien


En cas de situation durgence ncessitant un arrt immdiat de lunit et de tous les canaux haute tension, dsactiver linterrupteur gnral (1) situ sur le panneau avant. En plaant linterrupteur gnral sur OFF, lunit H.T. sarrte.

Entretien Le contrleur 4UHV na besoin daucun entretien. Nimporte quel entretien sur lunit doit tre effectu par un personnel technique autoris. En cas de panne contacter le Support technique Agilent ou bien sabonner au Agilent Advanced Exchange Service o le contrleur endommag est remplac par un contrleur reconditionn. En cas de mise au rebut du contrleur, procder son limination conformment aux rglementations nationales en la matire.

Mise au Rebut Signification du logo "WEEE" figurant sur les tiquettes. Le symbole ci-dessous est appliqu conformment la directive CE nomme "WEEE". Ce symbole (uniquement valide pour les pays de la Communaut europenne) indique que le produit sur lequel il est appliqu NE doit PAS tre mis au rebut avec les ordures mnagres ou les dchets industriels ordinaires, mais passer par un systme de collecte slective. Aprs avoir vrifi les termes et conditions du contrat de vente, lutilisateur final est donc pri de contacter le fournisseur du dispositif, maison mre ou revendeur, pour mettre en uvre le processus de collecte et mise au rebut.

Pour en savoir plus, consulter :

36/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual

4 Instructions for Use

General Information 38 Storage 29 Prior to Installation 39 Installation 40 Usage 41 Powering On the Controller from the

Front Panel (LOCAL Mode) 44 Maintenance 46 Disposal 46 Original Instructions


4 Instructions for Use General Information

General Information This equipment is intended for professional use. Prior to using this equipment the user must carefully read this Instruction Manual in its entirety and any additional information provided by Agilent. Agilent declines all responsibility for damage caused by the total or partial misuse of the instructions provided herein, by the improper use of the equipment by untrained personnel, by unauthorized interventions or by negligence in complying with any specific national rule or regulation.

The following sections provide you with all the information needed to guarantee the operators safety when using the equipment. Detailed information is provided in the appendix entitled Technical Information.

The following conventions are used in this manual:


Warning messages call the operators attention to a specific procedure or operation that could cause serious injury if not performed correctly.

CAUTION! Caution messages are provided before procedures that could cause damage to the equipment if not complied with.

NOTE Notes provide you with important information extracted from the text.

38/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Instructions for Use Storage


Storage The following environmental conditions must be met when transporting and storing the controller:

Temperature: -20 C to +70 C

Relative humidity: 0 - 95% (non-condensing)

Prior to Installation The controller comes in a special protective packaging; if there is any sign of damage that could have been caused during transportation, contact your local sales office immediately.

When unpacking the controller, be particularly careful to avoid dropping it or knocking it against anything.

The packaging material is totally recyclable and complies with EEC directives 85/399 for the safeguard of the environment.

Figure 1Controller Packaging

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4 Instructions for Use Installation



For the safety of the operator, the 4UHV controller must be powered with a 3-wire power cable connected to a plug approved at international level. The wires section has to be at least AWG18, 0.83 mm2. Use this cable and plug together with an adequately earthed socket so as to prevent electrical shocks and satisfy the requirements of EC norms. The high voltages that develop in the controller can provoke serious injuries or death. After switching off the unit, residual energy is present inside the controller for some time. Wait approx. 1 minute to be sure that the residual energy has been dissipated. If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired

CAUTION! The controller can be used either as a desktop unit or as a rack module. In any case it must be positioned in a way that the air can circulate freely through the ventilation slots on the cover.

If the controller is used as a rack module, it MUST be inserted into a four-rack high adapter to prevent it from falling inside the rack itself (see the table of orderable parts). The 4UHV controller front panel is not designed to support the weight of the unit.

Do not install or use the controller in an environment exposed to atmospheric agents (rain, snow, ice), in the presence of dust, corrosive gases or in a highly flammable or explosive environment.

40/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Instructions for Use Installation


CAUTION! The 4UHV controller belongs to the second installation category (or overvoltage) as provided for in normative EN 61010-1. Therefore the device must be connected to a power supply line satisfying the requirements for this category. The 4UHV controller has connectors for inputs/outputs and for serial communications that must be connected to the external circuits in such a way that no powered part is accessible. Make sure that the insulation of the device connected to the 4UHV controller provides an adequate insulation even in the case of a single fault condition as stipulated in the EN 61010-1 normative.

NOTE If the controller is installed in a rack, remove its four feet and place it so as to leave at least 30 mm (1.2 inches) of free space above and below.

CAUTION! In rare circumstances, a controller fault could result in the emission of smoke. If the customer is using the controller in clean environments, they should take adequate measures to avoid the environment being contaminated by any eventual smoke.

The controller must be used in the following environmental conditions: Temperature: 0 C to +40 C Relative humidity: 0 90 % (non-condensing).

Used symbols Symbols see below have the following specific meaning.

Warning, risk of electric shock

Warning, see technical use/information

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4 Instructions for Use Usage

Usage This section provides you with the major operating procedures. For more information and for the procedures that concern connections or specific options, refer to the section USAGE in the Technical Information appendix. Before using the controller, perform all electrical connections and refer to the manual of the connected pump.


Switch on the high voltage channels only if they are connected to the ionic pumps by means of the special purpose high voltage cables equipped with interlock cable.

It is assumed that the controller will be used together with the high voltage cable having a interlock.

Figure 2Ground Connections


42/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Instructions for Use Usage



If an HV cable without interlock is to be used, the accessories bag contains a specific kit of preassembled interlock leads. However, with this type of use, the safety capability furnished using the interlock is lost.

Refer to the figure below for correct assembly of the interlock cable furnished in the accessories bag in the case in which an HV cable with interlock is not used.

Figure 3

NOTE The cable interlock closes on pump ground. The high voltage is disabled if the connection is interrupted.

The cable interlock closes on pump ground. The high voltage is disabled if the connection is interrupted. To connect the controller to the pump, use a HV cable with interlock (see parts that can be ordered).

Correct connection of masses, of the HV cable between the controller and pump and of the interlock cable is illustrated in the Connections figure.

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4 Instructions for Use Usage

CAUTION! When using the interlock cable furnished in the accessories bag, make sure that no parts drop accidentally inside the controller.

Powering On the Controller from the Front Panel (LOCAL Mode)

NOTE To switch on the High Voltage (HV), the interlock of the HV cable (cable interlock) must be closed (connector inserted).

Proceed as follows to power the controller and apply voltage to the high voltage (HV) connectors:

Switch off the controller.

Connect the HV cable and the interlock of the HV cable in the related connectors on the rear panel.

Select LOCAL mode, briefly pressing the MODE key until LOCAL is shown on the display.

Hold down the HV ON/OFF button (2) while pressing the HV-x (3,4,5,6) button where x is the number of the channel to be switched on/off.

44/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Instructions for Use Usage


Figure 4Front Panel 4UHV Ion Pump Controller

Figure 5Rear Panel 4UHV Ion Pump Controller

To switch off the HV channels:

Hold down the HV ON/OFF (2) button while pressing the HV-x (3,4,5,6) button where x is the number of the channel to be switched on/off.

For further details on using the controller and for a description of the information appearing on the display, refer to the section Technical Information.


(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

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4 Instructions for Use Maintenance


In situations of emergency, to switch off the unit and all the high voltage channels, turn off the main power switch (1) situated on the front panel.

When the main switch is turned off, the HV unit is switched off.

Maintenance The 4UHV controller does not require any maintenance. Any form of servicing on the unit must be performed by authorized personnel. If servicing is needed, contact Agilent Technical Support or subscribe to the Agilent Advanced Exchange Service where the faulty controller is replaced by a refurbished one. If the controller needs to be scraped, proceed to do so in compliance with the specific national norms.

Disposal Meaning of the "WEEE" logo found in labels. The following symbol is applied in accordance with the EC WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive. This symbol (valid only in countries of the European Community) indicates that the product it applies to must NOT be disposed of together with ordinary domestic or industrial waste but must be sent to a differentiated waste collection system. The end user is therefore invited to contact the supplier of the device, whether the Parent Company or a retailer, to initiate the collection and disposal process after checking the contractual terms and conditions of sale.

For more information refer to:

46/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual

5 Technical Information

4UHV Controller Description 49 Specifications 50

Controller Outline 52 Front Panel Description 53 Keys 53 Rear Panel Description 55

Procedure to Connect the Serial and I/O ports to an External Cable 58

Operating Mode 59 Selecting Operating Mode from Front Panel 59 Selecting Operating Mode via Serial 60

Start-Up 61 Connection of Input Remote 71

Serial 72 Connector Examples 73 Window Protocol 73 Error Description 82 Error Code 82 Old Serial Protocol (Binary Protocol) 85

Original Instructions


5 Technical Information Disposal

Display and Menus 89 Displaying Channel-Related Information 89 Commands 91 Menu 92

PROFIBUS 96 Connectors Pin-Out 96 Rotary Switches 96 Indicators 96 GSD File 98 State Machine 98 Message Mapping 100 Configuration Buffer Structure 101 Configuration Output Structure 102 Configuration Input Structure 103 Diagnosis Management 104 Diagnostic Buffer (15 byte) 106

Cleaning 108 Orderable Parts 109

Original Instructions

48/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Technical Information 4UHV Controller Description


4UHV Controller Description

The 4UHV controller is a power supply for ion pumps. It supplies a high voltage on output, selectable as 3 kV, 5 kV or 7 kV, and measures the output current.

The controller has the following features:

Front panel with keypad and a 4-row display (4x20, 146 x 62 mm) for displaying the operating values (voltage, current, pressure)

Remote I/O card with DB37 connector

RS232 and RS485 serial communications.

Figure 64 UHV Controllers

The controller contains one or two high voltage modules.

Each high voltage module can have one 200 W channel or one 120 W channel or two 80 W channels.

Some examples of how HV channels can be configured are given below (for details see the Orderable Parts table):

Four independent channels with a maximum of 80 W power per channel

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5 Technical Information Specifications

Two independent channels with a maximum of 200 W power per


One 200 W channel and two 80 W channels.

One 120 W channel

The 4UHV controller can be operated in the modes: LOCAL, SERIAL or REMOTE.

Specifications Tab. 1Specifications

Component Description

Input Voltage 100 - 240 Vac (+/-10 %) Input Frequency 50/60 Hz Input Power 600 VA Output HV Voltage +/- 7000 Vdc +/- 5 % Output HV Short circuit current

40 mA (for 80 W channels) 100 mA (for 200 W channels)

Output HV Power max

200 W or 80 W each channel

Operating temperature

0 C to 40 C

Storage temperature

-20 C to +70 C

Fuse 5x20 T6.3A 250 V Voltage measurement

Resolution 100 V Accuracy: +/- 5 %

Current measurement

Measurement range: 10 nA to 100 mA, logarithmic scale Resolution : 2 digit of the mantissa (maximum 10 nA) Accuracy: +/- 6 %

Weight 6.5 kg

50/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Technical Information Specifications


Component Description Compliance with: EN 61010-1 2010: Safety requirements for electrical

equipment for measurement control and laboratory use. EN 61326-1 2013: Electrical equipment for measurement control and laboratory use EMC requirements

Installation category II Max altitude 2000 m Pollution degree 2 Internal use only

Figure 7Output voltage vs Output current










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Current (mA)

Vo lta

ge (V


Output curve (200W) Output curve (80W)

Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E) 51/116

5 Technical Information Specifications

Controller Outline The outline dimensions for the 4 UHV controller are shown in the following figures:

Front View

Rear View

Figure 8Controller Model Dimensions



17 7.0


16 4.3



52/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Technical Information Specifications


Front Panel Description

Figure 9Front Panel

Keys Tab. 2Keys

Main Power This is the main switch for switching on and off the controller. HV-ON/OFF To switch a high voltage channel on or off, keep the HV-ON/OFF key

pressed while you press the HV-x key, where x is the number of the channel you want to switch on or off.

Fixed/Step To change the output voltage choosing between: 7 kV, 5 kV, 3 kV, Step- Mode and Fixed-Mode, keep the Fixed/Step key pressed while you press the HV-x key, where x is the number of the channel for which you want to change the output voltage. The output voltage will change cyclically between STEP, 7 kV, 5 kV, 3 kV.

Protect To activate or disactivate Protect mode, keep the Protect key pressed while you press the HV-x key, where x is the number of channel for which you want to activate or disactivate the Protect functionality.

Mode By pressing this key briefly (< 2 sec), the operating mode changes cyclically between: Serial, Front, Remote. You exit from this display automatically after 5 seconds. By keeping this key pressed for a long time (> 2 sec), you enter the menu. To exit from the menu, press the Mode key again for a long time.

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5 Technical Information Specifications

Graphic Signals Four black squares are present for each channel indicating, respectively, the 4 states of the channel. The meaning of the 4 indicators is the following:

1. HV-x Solid mark = HV on Without mark = HV off Blinking mark = Error

2. Protect-x Solid mark = Protect on Without mark = Protect off Blinking mark = Protect error

3. SP-x Solid mark = Set-point activate Without mark = Set-point not active

4. Step-x Solid mark = Step Without mark = Fixed

54/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Technical Information Specifications


Rear Panel Description

Figure 10Rear Panel

The following are present on the rear panel:

The HV connectors ( 1, 2, 3 or 4 according to model)

The interlock connectors associated to each channel

The fuses

The DB9 connector for RS232 and RS485 serial communication

The DB37 connector for Remote I/O signals.


Interlock connector

HV Connectors

Serial Port

Remote I/O

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5 Technical Information Specifications

Fuse Holder The following figure shows the location of this assembly.

Figure 11Rear Panel

Proceed as follows to replace one or both fuses:

1 Disconnect the mains cable

2 Waiting for 15 second

3 Remove the fuse with a small screwdriver

4 Replace the fuse

5 Use only 5x20 T6.3 A 250 V fuses

56/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Technical Information Interlock connection


Interlock connection In order to guarantee a proper working of the interlock connection, the user must take care that the total resistance between the ground controller and the input of the interlock cable (connected to the ion pump) is less than 400 Ohm.

Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E) 57/116

5 Technical Information Interlock connection

Procedure to Connect the Serial and I/O ports to an External Cable

In the following picture, it has showed the right procedure to connect a cable to the I/O or to the serial port. A shielded cable of 30 m maximum length has to be utilized for both serial and I/O port connection.

NOTE Take care to have a good contact between the metallic case and the external shield of the wire. Moreover, this operation should be done at least on the controller side.

The I/O and communication terminal provided at the equipment are only required to be connected with external circuits which are separated from hazardous live voltages by reinforced or double insulation. In this way, you will be sure to reduce the influence of the external noise and to accomplish the EMC requests. In picture d is showed the cable assembled.

Figure 12

58/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Technical Information Operating Mode


Operating Mode

The controller 4UHV for ion pumps can be operated in three different modes:




The commands sent to the controller (for example, HVON/OFF, Target voltage etc) can only be given in the mode chosen, while the data (for example, current, pressure, voltage etc) can be read in all the modes.

E.g.: If you select Local mode, the HV channels can only be switched on via the keys on the Front Panel, but the current supplied can be read via the Front Panel, Serial and Remote.

Change from one mode to the next can be done either via the Front Panel or a serial command.

NOTE Change from one mode to another can be done with the high voltage switched on. However, the channels switch off if Remote mode is selected but no commands for switching on are present on the remote connector.

Selecting Operating Mode from Front Panel To display the current mode, press the Mode key briefly (less than 2 seconds).

To change mode, press the Mode key again. The three modes will be displayed in a cyclic fashion: Local, Serial, Remote.

After selecting the required mode, wait approximately 5 seconds to return to the previous screen.

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5 Technical Information Operating Mode

Selecting Operating Mode via Serial

Using serial communications via the protocol WIN protocol (see chapter: SERIAL Window Protocol), write the chosen value in window 8:

Tab. 3Keys

Value Description

0 Serial 1 Remote 2 Local

60/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

Technical Information Start-Up


Start-Up This chapter explains how to switch on and off the unit and the high voltage channels. In the following chapters, all the functions of the controller are explained in detail.

1 Put the main power switch situated on the front panel to OFF

2 Insert the power cable into the correct connector on the rear panel

3 Connect the HV cables to the controller and to the ion pumps

4 Make sure that Interlock of HV cable is connected

5 To switch on the unit, put the main power switch to ON

6 Select Local for the Operating mode

7 Press the keys HV-ON/OFF keys and HV-x, where x is the number of the channel you want to switch on.

Figure 13Front Panel

Main power switch Keys HV-x


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5 Technical Information Start-Up


Step-mode / Fixed mode The high voltage provided to an ion pump can change from 3kV up to 7kV.

The user can set the Fixed mode with the voltage of 3kV or 5kV or 7kV using the front panel or through the serial commands or through the remote I/O.

In order to optimize the pumping speed of the ion pump and to minimize the influence of the leakage current, the controller implements the Step-mode function.

With this function the controller provides 7kV for about 5 seconds, then it changes the voltage among 3 5 7 kV depending on the current drawn by the ion pump and on the ion pump type.

Tab. 4

Pump Type Current for switching from 7kV to 5kV

Current for switching from 5kV to 3kV

500 diode 1.4E-3 A 3.9E-5 A 300 diode 7.2E-4 A 2.1E-5 A 150 diode 3.6E-4 A 9.5E-6 A 75-55-40 diode 2.2E-4 A 6.7E-6 A 20 diode 2.0E-4 A 2.7E-6 A 10 diode 2.0E-5 A 6.0E-6 A 500 StarCell 9.0E-4 A 2.5E-5 A 300 StarCell 5.5E-4 A 1.6E-5 A 150 StarCell 3.0E-4 A 8.5E-6 A 75-55-40 StarCell 1.3E-4 A 3.8E-6 A 20 StarCell 6.5E-5 A 1.9E-6 A

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Technical Information Start-Up



The protect function is useful to avoid damages in the ion pump due to the overcurrent.

If this function is enabled, the controller waits 120 seconds from the HV ON, then it begins to check the current provided. If the current exceeds the threshold in the following table, the HV channel turns off and the controller gives the Protect Error.

This kind of error is not a controller error but it is only a warning, informing that the HV channel is turned off because the protect current threshold was exceeded.

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5 Technical Information Start-Up

Tab. 5

Pump type Protect current

500 diode 100mA 300 diode 100mA 150 diode 50mA 75-55-40 diode 30mA 20 diode 20mA 10 diode 5mA 500 StarCell 100mA 300 StarCell 100mA 150 StarCell 50mA 75-55-40 StarCell 30mA 20 StarCell 20mA

Set-point The controller has 4 relays (relay A, relay B, relay C, relay D) and they can be configured as set-points.

Set-point configuration You can configure the four relays to operate with any channels.

Example 1 (default configuration): one relay for each channel.

Relay A channel 1; Relay B channel 2; Relay C channel 3; Relay D channel 4.

Example 2: two relays for one channel.

Relay A channel 1; Relay B channel 1 ; Relay C channel 3; Relay D channel 3.

Example 3: all relays for only one channel (e.g. channel 2).

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Relay A channel 2; Relay B channel 2; Relay C channel 2; Relay D channel 2.

All these configurations can be set by front panel menu.

Description The microprocessor begins to drive the relays about 10 seconds after reaching the target voltage (this behaviour is in order to avoid wrong activations due to voltage ramping).

The threshold of the set-point has a hysteresis of 5%.

Figure 14

Autostart This function allows to restore the high voltage output when the main power supply is restored after a fail.

When the Autostart is selected:

If the HV channel is in ON status and the main power supply fails, when the supply is restored the HV channel automatically turns on.

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5 Technical Information Start-Up

If the HV channel is in OFF status and the main power supply

fails, when the supply is restored the HV channel stays in OFF.

If the Autostart is not selected:

The HV channel returns always OFF after that the main power fails.

Fan configuration If you select Always ON in the menu configuration (configure general fan ) , the two cooling fan in the rear panel are always switched ON.

If you select Threshold the two cooling fan are switched OFF if the output current of each HV channel is below of the 1mA.

Reset standard settings If yes is selected, the settings are restored to the standard unit configuration.

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Tab. 6

Component Description Remote I/O Signal Listing Pin 4 +24 V +/- 10 %, max. current 60 mA Pin 5 Reserved Fault A unique fault relay for all channels and for all

errors. Pin 12 NC Fault Relay Pin 13 NO Fault Relay Pin 31 Common Fault Relay Channel 1 Input

Pin 6 CH1 on/off Pin 7 CH1 protect Pin 8 CH1 step Pin 22 Digital Gnd Analog Output Pin 1 Analog 1 Pin 3 Analog Gnd Digital Output Pin 17 CH1 NC Set-point Relay Pin 18 CH1 (Common) Relay Pin 19 CH1 NO Set-point Relay Channel 2 Input

Pin 9 CH2 on/off Pin 10 CH2 protect Pin 11 CH2 step Pin 22 Digital Gnd

Analog Output

Pin 2 Analog 2

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5 Technical Information Start-Up

Component Description

Pin 3 Analog Gnd Digital Output Pin 14 CH2 NC Set-point Relay Pin 15 CH2 (Common) Relay Pin 16 CH2 NO Set-point Relay Channel 3 Input

Pin 23 CH3 on/off Pin 24 CH3 protect Pin 25 CH3 step Pin 22 Digital Gnd Analog Output Pin 20 Analog 3 Pin 3 Analog Gnd Digital Output Pin 35 CH3 NC Set-point Relay Pin 36 CH3 (Common) Relay Pin 37 CH3 NO Set-point Relay Channel 4 Input

Pin 26 CH4 on/off Pin 27 CH4 protect Pin 28 CH4 step Pin 22 Digital Gnd

Analog Output

Pin 21 Analog 4 Pin 3 Analog Gnd Digital Output Pin 32 CH4 NC Set-point Relay Pin 33 CH4 (Common) Relay Pin 34 CH4 NO Set-point Relay

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Tab. 7 Input/Output Electrical Specification

I/O Ratings I/O Type ON OFF Max Load Note Input Digital V < 12V

I > 2.25mA 24V > V > 23V I < 100uA

Analog Output 1mA Range 0-10V

Output Relay 24V , 1A max

+24V dc 24V +/- 10% - 60mA max

Figure 15Recorder Output Pressure

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5 Technical Information Start-Up

Figure 16Analog remote vs Pressure (kPa)

Pressure (mbar)

Figure 17Analog remote vs Pressure (mbar)

Analog remote vs Pressure







1.0E-11 1.0E-10 1.0E-09 1.0E-08 1.0E-07 1.0E-06 1.0E-05 1.0E-04

A na

lo g

re m

ot e

(V ol


Analog remote vs Pressure







1.0E-12 1.0E-11 1.0E-10 1.0E-09 1.0E-08 1.0E-07 1.0E-06 1.0E-05 Pressure (kPa)

Analog remote (Volt) 1.3E-6 kPa

1.3E-12 kPa

1.3E-5 mbar

1.3E-11 mbar

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Connection of Input Remote In order to activate the inputs remote (CH on/off, Ch protect, CH Step) connect the pins as following:

Figure 18Input

Controller Customer devices

4,7 K

Input pin

Digital GND

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5 Technical Information Serial

Serial The following figure shows the 4UHV interconnections.

Figure 194UHV interconnections

This is a 9-pin D-type serial input/output connector that allows the 4UHV to be controlled via an RS232 or RS485 connection.

Tab. 8

PIN No. Signal Name

1 +5 V (OUT) 2 TX (RS232) 3 RX (RS232) 4 Reserved 5 GND 6 A + (RS485) 7 Reserved 8 B - (RS485) 9 Reserved

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Connector Examples

5 5

2 2 Controller 4UHV PC

3 3

Figure 20RS232 Connection

Figure 21RS485 Connection

Window Protocol Both RS232 and the RS485 interfaces are available on the 9-pin D- type serial input/output connector. The communications protocol is the same (see the structure below), but only the RS485 handles the address field. Therefore, to enable the RS485, you need to select both the type of communication and the device address using the front panel menu or the Navigator software.

Ion controller 1

Ion controller 2

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5 Technical Information Serial

The Window Protocol is the same of the Turbo Pump, but the meaning of the Window is different (see the below chapter: Windows Description).

Communications Format 8 data bit

No parity

1 stop bit

Baud rate: 9600

Communications Protocol The communications protocol is of MASTER/ SLAVE type, where:


Controller = SLAVE

The communication takes place as follows:

1 The host (MASTER) sends a MESSAGE + CRC to the controller (SLAVE)

2 The controller answers with an ANSWER + CRC to the host.

3 The MESSAGE is a string in the following format:

4 + + + + + +

NOTE When data is indicated between two quotes (...), it implies that the data indicated is the corresponding ASCII character.


(Start of transmission) = 0x02

(Unit address) = when you select the RS232 communication, this field is not handled and the controller always answers with its address stored in EEPROM (Unit address) = 0x80 + device number (0 to 31) (for RS485)

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(Window) = a string of 3 numerics indicating the window

number (from 000 to 999); for the meaning of each window, see the relevant paragraph.

(Command) = 0x30 to read the window, 0x31 to write in the window

= an alphanumeric ASCII string with the data to be written in the window. In the case of a read command, this field is not present. The field length varies according to the data type, as shown in the following table:

Tab. 9

Data Type Field Length Valid Characters

Logic (L) 1 0 = OFF 1 = ON

Numeric (N) 6 -, ., 0 . . . 9 right justified with 0 Alphanumeric (A) 10 From blank to _ (ASCII)

(End of transmission) = 0x03

= XOR of all characters following and including the terminator. The value is hexadecimal coded and represented by two ASCII characters.

The SLAVE addressed responds with an ANSWER whose structure depends on the MESSAGE type.

When the MESSAGE is a read command, the SLAVE responds transmitting a string with the same structure as the MESSAGE.

NOTE Using the RS485 interface, the message structure is identical to that used for the RS232 interface, the only difference being the value assigned to the ADDRESS .

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5 Technical Information Serial

The controller can reply with the following types of response:

Tab. 10

Type Length Value Description

Logic - After a read instruction of a logic window. Numeric 6 bytes - After a read instruction of a numeric window. Alphanumeric 10 bytes - After a read instruction of a alphanumeric window. ACK 1 byte (0x6) Execution of the command has been successful. NACK 1 byte (0x15) Execution of the command has failed. Unknown Window 1 byte (0x32) The window specified in the command is not a valid window. Data Type Error 1 byte (0x33) The data type specified in the command (Logic, Numeric or

Alphanumeric) is not in agreement with the Window specified.

Out of Range The value expressed during a write command is not within the range value for the specified window.

Win Disabled 1 byte (0x35) The window specified is Read Only or is temporarily disabled.

Tab. 11Windows Description

WIN R/W Type Description Range


0 = OFF(def) ; 1=ON


0 = OFF(def) ; 1=ON


0 = OFF(def) ; 1=ON

14 R/W L HV ON/OFF CH4 0 = OFF(def) ; 1=ON 108 R/W N Baud rate (1-4) [1200-2400-4800-9600] 205 R N Status 206 R N Error code 319 R/W Controller Model 323 R/W Controller Serial number 503 R/W N RS485 Serial Address [0-31]; 1=def 504 R/W L Serial Type Select 0= RS232(def) ;

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WIN R/W Type Description Range

1= RS485 505 R/W N Channel Selection (see below) 600 R/W N Unit pressure 0 = Torr ;

1=mBar (def) ; 2=Pa

602 R/W A Protect (see below) 603 R/W A Fixed/Step (see below) 610 R/W N Device Number CH1 (see below) 612 R/W N Power max CH1 20 W 80 W 613 R/W N V target CH1 [3000,7000] V

step 1000; def=7000

614 R/W N I protect CH1 [1,100] step 1 mA 615 R/W A Set Point CH1 [X.XE-XX] 620 R/W N Device Number CH1 (see below) 622 R/W N Power max CH2 20 W 80 W 623 R/W N V target CH2 [3000,7000] V

step 1000; def=7000

624 R/W N I protect CH2 [1,100] step 1 mA 625 R/W A Set Point CH2 [X.XE-XX] 630 R/W N Device Number CH3 (see below) 632 R/W N Power max CH3 20 W 80 W 633 R/W N V target CH3 [3000,7000] V

step 1000; def=7000

634 R/W N I protect CH3 [1,100] step 1 mA 635 R/W A Set Point CH3 [X.XE-XX] 640 R/W N Device Number CH4 (see below) 642 R/W N Power max CH4 20 W 80 W 643 R/W N V target CH4 [3000,7000] V

step 1000; def=7000

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5 Technical Information Serial

WIN R/W Type Description Range

644 R/W N I protect CH4 [1,100] step 1 mA 645 R/W A Set Point CH4 [X.XE-XX] 800 R N Temperature

FAN [0, 200] C 801 R N Temperature

HV1 [0, 200] C 802 R N Temperature

HV2 [0, 200] C 803 R A Interlock Status (see below) 804 R A Status Set Point (see below) 808 R N Temperature

HV3 [0, 200] C 809 R N Temperature

HV4 [0, 200] C 810 R N V measured CH1 [0, 7000] V ;

step 100 V 811 R A I measured CH1 [1E-10, 9E-1] A 812 R A Pressure CH1 [X.XE-XX] 820 R N V measured CH2 [0, 10000] V ;

step 100 V 821 R A I measured CH2 [1E-10, 9E-1] A 822 R A Pressure CH2 [X.XE-XX] 830 R N V measured CH3 [0, 10000] V ;

step 100 V 831 R A I measured CH3 [1E-10, 9E-1] A 832 R A Pressure CH3 [X.XE-XX] 840 R N V measured CH4 [0, 10000] V ;

step 100 V 841 R A I measured CH4 [1E-10, 9E-1] A 842 R A Pressure CH4 [X.XE-XX]

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PC Controller 02 80 30 31 31 31 31 03 42 33 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

Controller PC

02 80 06 03 38 33 STX ADDR ACK ETX CRC

Turn OFF Channel 1

PC Controller 02 80 30 31 31 31 30 03 42 32 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 06 03 38 35 STX ADDR ACK ETX CRC

Read Pressure (win 812) Channel 1

PC Controller

02 80 38 31 32 30 03 38 38 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 38 31 32 30 20 20 20 31 2E 35 45 2D 30 38 03 45 32 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC


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Example: Turn ON Channel 1

5 Technical Information Serial

Read Voltage (win 810) Channel 1

PC Controller 02 80 38 31 30 30 03 38 41 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 38 31 32 30 30 30 33 30 30 30 03 38 39 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC


Read Current (win 811) Channel 1

PC Controller 02 80 38 31 31 30 03 38 42 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 38 31 31 30 20 20 20 32 2E 39 45 2D 30 35 03 45 33 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC


Operating mode (Win 601)

Autostart ON

PC Controller 02 80 36 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 03 38 34 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 06 03 38 35 STX ADDR ACK ETX CRC

Autostart OFF

PC Controller 02 80 36 30 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 03 38 35 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

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Controller PC 02 80 06 03 38 35 STX ADDR ACK ETX CRC

Protect (Win 602)

PC Controller 02 80 36 30 32 30 03 38 37 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 36 30 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 03 38 36 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

Fixed/Step (603)

PC Controller 02 80 36 30 33 30 03 38 36 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 36 30 33 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 03 38 37 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

The DATA field is made of 10 characters. The 4 right justified char are the protect value of each channel. In the example above we have 1 in the third char from right (all char are 30=0 and only the third form right is 31=1). So it means activate the protect on CH3, while protect on CH1,2,4 will be not activated.

Status Set Point (804)

PC Controller 02 80 38 30 34 30 03 38 46 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

Controller PC 02 80 38 30 34 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 03 38 45 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

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5 Technical Information Serial

Error Description

Controller errors can be displayed in two windows:

WIN 505 where the user writes the channel whose error is to be viewed

WIN 206 where the controller shows the error code of the channel written in window 505.

If the value 0 is written in window 505, the errors of all the channels remain displayed in window 206.

Tab. 12

WIN 505 value Channel

0 All channels 1 Channel 1 2 Channel 2 3 Channel 3 4 Channel 4

Error Code The error code is displayed in decimal format. Binary representation of this number provides indications regarding the type of error that has occurred.

The error table is shown below:

Tab. 13

Error code in decimal format Binary Description

0 0000000000000 No error 1 0000000000001 FAN error 2 0000000000010 Power input error from HV 4 0000000000100 Power input error from PFC 8 0000000001000 Overtemp PFC 16 0000000010000 Error communication CPU-HV 32 0000000100000 Interlock cable

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Error code in decimal format Binary Description

64 0000001000000 Overtemp HV 128 0000010000000 Protect 256 0000100000000 Measurement error 512 0001000000000 HV out error 1024 0010000000000 Short circuit 2048 0100000000000 HV disabled

Example: Interlock cable

Error code: 32 (decimal) 0000000010000 ( binary) Interlock cable error

Interlock cable + Overtemp HV

Error code: 96 (decimal) 0000000110000 ( binary) Interlock cable error + Overtemp HV

Error code (Win 206)

Error interlock 02 80 32 30 36 30 03 38 37 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

02 80 32 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 33 32 03 38 36 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

Channel selection (Win 505)

Read 02 80 35 30 35 30 03 38 33 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

02 80 35 30 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 03 38 33 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

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5 Technical Information Serial

Write 1

02 80 35 30 35 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 03 38 33 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

02 80 06 03 38 35


Error code (Win 206)

Interlock error: 02 80 32 30 36 30 03 38 37 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

02 80 32 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 33 32 03 38 36 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

Channel selection (Win 505)

Write 2

02 80 35 30 35 31 30 30 30 30 30 32 03 38 30 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

02 80 06 03 38 35


Error code (Win 206)

Interlock not present error because channel 2 has been selected: 02 80 32 30 36 30 03 38 37 STX ADDR WINDOW RD ETX CRC

02 80 32 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 03 38 37 STX ADDR WINDOW WR DATA ETX CRC

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Technical Information Serial


Old Serial Protocol (Binary Protocol)

The Binary Protocol serial protocol used by some old controllers is no longer supported.

For new projects, Agilent advises that the new protocol Window protocol be used. Nevertheless, for compatibility with the old systems, some commands of the Binary Dual have been implemented.

The 4UHV controller cannot implement all the commands of the Dual but only a subset.

Communications Format These protocols have the following formats:

Tab. 14

Type No. of Bytes


Read 1 ? (3Fh3) performs reads on the Splitter Box Status 1 0 (30h) = false = off,

1 (31h) = true = on 5 Integer 5 xxxxx represented in BCD4 with 5 digits (always positive) BitField 8 Like integer type, but meanings are associated with the single

bits of the number. Exponential 7 x.xEsxx where x is BCD digits, E is the 45h character and s is

the (+ or - sign). String n Sequence of n characters included within the 20h and 7Fh range

3 The h notation following a number indicates that the number is expressed in hexadecimal format.

4 BCD: The number is represented by digits included within the 0 and 9 range (ASCII 30h - 39h).

5 Status can also assume values greater than 1.

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5 Technical Information Serial

The commands have a read and a write mode. By specifying the type of read operation being performed, the Host queries the Splitter Box that, in turn, replies in a format that is compliant with the command sent. As long as a write operation can be carried out, the write and read formats for the same command coincide.

Host to Dual controller command format:

[header command] [length] [command] [channel] [data] [checksum]

Dual controller to Host reply format:

[header response] [length] [command] [channel] [data] [checksum]

Tab. 15

Field No. of Bytes

Value Description

Header command

1 81h 81hA0h

Header for the RS232 and RS422 serial. Header and address for the RS485 (129 160) serial.

Header response

01h 01h20h

Header for the serial RS232, RS422. Header and address for the RS485 serial.

Length 2 Data packet length in BCD (command, channel, data fields only).

Command See description of commands (byte 0 command, byte 1 subcommand).

Channel 1 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h

No channel High Voltage 1 High Voltage 2 High Voltage 3 High Voltage 4

Data N See description of commands Checksum 1 XOR of all bytes (checksum excluded) in and with 7Fh.

Command Listing It is not possible to implement all the Binary Dual protocol commands on the 4UHV controller. The commands that are implemented on the 4UHV controller are the following:

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Tab. 16

No. Description ASCII Hex

1 Local/remote Z0 5Ah 30h 3 HV-ON/OFF A0 41h 30h 4 Device number F0 46h 30h 5 Measurement unit D0 44h 30h 7 Protect C0 43h 30h 8 Fixed/Step B0 42h 30h 9 Power supply polarity G0 47h 30h 10 Max. power J0 4Ah 30h 11 Vmax H0 48h 30h 12 Iprotect K0 4Bh 30h 13 Set point P0 50h 30h 14 V meas. S0 53h 30h 15 I meas. T0 54h 30h 16 P meas. U0 55h 30h 17 Set-point status g0 67h 30h 18 Interlock status ]0 5Dh 30h 19 Error status z0 7Ah 30h

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5 Technical Information Serial

Tab. 17Interlock Status Coding

Bit Field Interlock Coding (active if 1)

01h HV3 Cable Interlock 02h Reserved 04h Reserved 08h HV1 Cable Interlock 10h HV4 Cable Interlock 20h Reserved 40h Reserved 80h HV2 Cable Interlock

Tab. 18

Value Error Status Coding (active if 1)

33h Cable Interlock 36h Excess temperature 37h Power input error 38h FAN Error 39h Protect 31h 30h Short-circuit 31h 31h HV out error 31h 32h Zero Measurement

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Technical Information Display and Menus


Display and Menus Switching on the unit, the initial screen that appears is as follows:

Figure 22

Afterwards a screen of the following type appears, which displays for

each channel the name of the ion pump selected.





4 X





- 4 0 S5 - 5


t a r C


5 - 5 - 4 0 D i o1 7 d






Figure 23

Displaying Channel-Related Information The display can be configured easily to display different information, depending on the needs of the customer.

Information on All Channels The voltage on all the four channels can be displayed simultaneously, or the current of all four channels, or the pressure.

To do this, press the V/I/P key; the following screens appear cyclically.









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5 Technical Information Display and Menus

Tab. 19


e l



d1 7 0 D i o


5 - 5 - 4



- 4 0 S5 - 5 l


a r C








5 Display the pump type for each channel

6 Press V/I/P

7 Display the pressure for each channel

8 Press V/I/P

0+ 7 0 0 e4




S t

F i

S t

2 - 7 0 0 0

1 - 7 0 0 0

3 + 7 0 0 0 S



tV e p



9 Display the voltage and operation mode Step Mode Fixed mode for each channel

10 Press V/I/P



XX .3



X . X

X . X - X X A2

X E - X A

4 X . X E - X X

11 Display the current for each channel

12 Press V/I/P





- X X m b

X X m



X . X

. X EX

Y- X YX . X E

2 X . X E - b a r

a rE

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Technical Information Display and Menus


Information on a Single Channel You can display all the information (voltage, current, pressure and pump type) for each single pump. To do this, press the HV-x key, where x corresponds to the channel to display:


- 4 0 a rS5 - 57

X . X E

X E - X




3 X .

m B r

+ 7 0 V



0 0 S

e lCt




Figure 24

In this case, the pump type, pressure, current and voltage of channel

3 are being displayed.

Commands You can give the controller three types of commands:

Switch on/off channels

Activate/disactivate Protect mode

Change output voltage

Switching Channels On/Off To switch a high voltage channel on or off, keep the HV-ON/OFF key pressed while you press the HV-x key, where x is the number of the channel you want to switch on or switch off.

Activating /Disactivating Protect Mode To activate or disactivate Protect mode, keep the Protect key pressed while you press the HV-x key, where x is the number of channel for which you want to activate or disactivate the Protect functionality.

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5 Technical Information Display and Menus

Changing the Output Voltage To change the output voltage choosing between 7KV, 5KV, 3KV, Step- Mode and Fixed-Mode, keep the Fixed Step key pressed while you press the HV-x key, where x is the number of the channel for which you want to change the output voltage.

The output voltage changes cyclically between STEP 7 KV, 5 KV, 3 KV.

Menu Keeping the Mode key pressed for a long time (> 2 sec), you enter the Menu. In the Menu, you can configure some parameters of the controller. These configurable parameters can be divided into two groups:

Controller general parameters

Specific parameters for each channel.

The general parameters of the controller are the following:

Pressure measurement unit: mbar, torr, pascal

Serial baud rate: 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400

Serial Type: RS232, RS485

RS485 Address: from 0 to 31

Auto start: Yes, No

Fan: Always on, switches on if the current descends below 1mA

Set Point: The set-point can be associated with the channels and a value set

Analog output: Analog output is associated with the channels.

Reset to standard settings

The specific parameters for each channel are the following:

Pump: Select the type of pump

I Protect: Set the Protect current

Power max: Set the maximum power.

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Technical Information Display and Menus


Scrolling Through the Menus The 4UHV controller menu has a three-level structure.

To scroll through the menus, remaining on the same level, press the keys .

To go to submenu, press Enter in the transition menus.

To escape to go back, press Esc at any time.

In multiple-choice menus, the symbol appears next to the value currently in use and the value currently used will flash.

To change the value in each menu, press the key + or -. This causes the symbol to move, but the old value continues to flash.

To save the new value, you must press Enter. As you press Enter, the new value is saved and starts to flash.

If it is not possible for all the choices to be displayed simultaneously, the values will scroll across (the titles of the menus remain fixed).

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5 Technical Information Display and Menus

Menu Screens Examples of all the screens that appear in the Menu are provided below.

Tab. 20Menu Screens

First Level Second Level Third Level O






H V 1


V 2


e s s

m B a r

u r e

T o r r


P r



S e

N F I G EG - N E R L

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1 2 0 0

4 8 0 0


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5 R S 4 8

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C O -N G E

S e r A d











ts t a r


A u t o


C O N F I G - G E N E R A L

F a n




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Technical Information Display and Menus


First Level Second Level Third Level



n t


S e t p o i




G E N E R A L - S E T P O I N T

S e t P o i n t

H x


C X . X E - X X A




u to g On a l


n a Ol o




g u t A

C H x


H V 1

H V 3

H V 2


P u






H V 1

I P r o t

X X m



c t

H V 1

P o


e r M a x



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5 Technical Information PROFIBUS


Connectors Pin-Out

Figure 254UHV Profibus Connectors pin-out

Rotary Switches The interface has two switches.

The switches are used to set the ProfiBus address of the device. Up to 126 different addresses (from 0 to 125) can be selected.

The address value sets by the 2 switches is expressed in hexadecimal notation, so value from 00 to 7D are permitted; this setting is read by the interface during the power-on phase, so any change of the switch position after the power-on is ignored.

Indicators Two LEDs are present on the interface: one green and one red.

The red led indicates that the interface is correctly powered.

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Technical Information PROFIBUS


The green led shows the interface status according the following table:

--------------------------------------------- 550 ms period------------------------------------- 1 pulse

2 pulses

Blink fast

Blink slow

Figure 26

1 pulse

ProfiBus link established, controller link NOT established yet (Controller state machine not in Regular data exchange). This situation could be normal in the first seconds after the interface power on (Controller address searching phase) or after the controller power-on.

2 pulses

ProfiBus link not established yet (ProfiBus state machine not in Regular data exchange). This failure has priority (in the indication) over the previous.

Blink fast

Gateway fail (internal check) or wrong address set (address > 0x7D or address not stable during power-on).

Blink slow

Gateway operating properly.

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5 Technical Information PROFIBUS

GSD File The GSD file provided with this interface is:


The ID number is:

0D32 hex

State Machine From the software point of view, the interface can be seen as two devices (one for ProfiBus and the other for RS-485) linked together. Each device has its own state machine to manage the device operation.








Profibus state machine RS485 state machine


Figure 27

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Technical Information PROFIBUS


Tab. 21

PROFIBUS STATE MACHINE RS485 STATE MACHINE Status Meaning Status Meaning POWER_ON Interface set-up POWER_ON Interface set-up WAIT_PRM Wait for parameterisation from the

master SRC_ADDR Search for the controller serial

address WAIT_CFG Wait for configuration from the

master IDENTIFY Identify controller model and

protocol DATA_EXCH Regular data exchange DATA_EXCH Regular data exchange

The two machines continuously share I/O data with the relative bus, and interact each other only in following conditions:

ProfiBus Data exchange is suspended (static diagnosis activated) if the RS-485 serial link in not established

RS-485 Data exchange is suspended (only for output data) if the ProfiBus State machine is not in Data Exchange mode

As a general rule, unrecoverable communication errors make each machine to jump to the state immediately following the power-on state (WAIT_PRM or SRC_ADDR).

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5 Technical Information PROFIBUS

Message Mapping

The communication is based on the continuous data exchange capability of the ProfiBus standard, where the master sends continuously the entire slave configuration and reads back the entire slave status.

For this purpose one Input (from slave to master) and one Output (from master to slave) buffers are provided. All the needed parameters are mapped inside each buffer. The following tables reassume the ProfiBus parameter access, related to the corresponding windows serial protocol.

NOTE The profibus communication and the serial communication use the same link inside of the controller, then you can not use at the same time the profibus communication and the serial communication.

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Technical Information PROFIBUS


Configuration Buffer Structure

Total buffer length: 15 bytes (4 words + 7 byte)

Tab. 22

Note 1: Each set point value is divided into 2 bytes: one for mantissa (the value is divided by 10) and one for exponent. Example1: if you want to set the Set-Point A to 3.5E-5 you have to write: byte offset 4 = 35d (23hex) and byte offset 5 = 5d (FBhex) Example2: if you want to set the Set-Point A to 1.0E-9 you have to write: byte offset 4 = 10d (0Ahex) and byte offset -5 = -5d (F7hex) Note 2: This byte is divided in two nibble (4 bits), each nibble is the number of HV channel to associated to the set point X Example: if you want assign the set point A to channel 2 you have to write byte offset 12 B7,4 = 0010 if you want assign the set point B to channel 3 you have to write byte offset 12 B5,0 = 0011 if you want assign the set point C to channel 4 you have to write byte offset 13 B7,4 = 0100 if you want assign the set point D to channel 1 you have to write byte offset 13 B5,0 = 0001

Offset (byte)



Size (byte)


0 - 1 B7,6 Pressure unit ( 0= Torr, 1= mbar, 2 = Pa) B5 Auto power ON (0= NO, 1= Yes)

1 1bit = 1mA 1mA to 100mA 1 Ch1 Protect current value 2 1bit = 1mA 1mA to 100mA 1 Ch2 Protect current value 3 1bit = 1mA 1mA to 100mA 1 Ch3 Protect current value 4 1bit = 1mA 1mA to 100mA 1 Ch4 Protect current value 5 Pressure

unit selected

1 to 99 for mantissa -9 to -1 for exponent

2 Set Point A value The first byte is the mantissa, the second byte is the exponent

7 Pressure unit selected

1 to 99 for mantissa -9 to -1 for exponent (see Note 1)

2 Set Point B value The first byte is the mantissa, the second byte is the exponent

9 Pressure unit selected

1 to 99 for mantissa -9 to -1 for exponent (see Note 1)

2 Set Point C value The first byte is the mantissa, the second byte is the exponent

11 Pressure unit selected

1 to 99 for mantissa -9 to -1 for exponent (see Note 1)

2 Set Point D value The first byte is the mantissa, the second byte is the exponent

12 - (see Note 2) 1 B7,4 Set point A mapping (default = 1) B5,,0 Set point B mapping (default = 1)

13 - (see Note 2) 1 B7,4 Set point C mapping (default = 1) B5,,0 Set point D mapping (default = 1)

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5 Technical Information PROFIBUS

Configuration Output Structure

Total buffer length: 2 bytes

Tab. 23

NOTE (1) It is not possible to switch between profibus mode and serial mode using the profibus communication you can switch between these two modes only in Local mode.

Offset (byte)


Size (byte)


0 - 1 B7 HV 1 On/Off B6 HV 2 On/Off B5 HV 3 On/Off

B4 HV 4 On/Off

B3 HV1 protect mode On/Off B2 HV2 protect mode On/Off B1 HV3 protect mode On/Off B0 HV4 protect mode On/Off

1 . 1 B7 HV 1 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step) B6 HV 2 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step) B5 HV 3 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step)

B4 HV 4 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step)

B1,0 1=remote, 2 = local, 3= Profibus (1)

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Technical Information PROFIBUS


Configuration Input Structure

Total buffer length: 40 bytes (9 bytes + 8 floating) Tab. 24

Offset (byte)


Size (byte)


0 B7 Communication stetus between CPU and internal profibus card B6 Communication status (0= ok, 1= not good) B1,0 1=remote, 2=local, 3=Profibus

1 - 1 B7 HV 1 On/Off B6 HV 2 On/Off B5 HV 3 On/Off B4 HV 4 On/Off B3 HV1 protect mode On/Off B2 HV2 protect mode On/Off B1 HV3 protect mode On/Off B0 HV4 protect mode On/Off

2 . 1 B7 HV 1 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step) B6 HV 2 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step) B5 HV 3 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step) B4 HV 4 mode (0= Fixed, 1= Step) B3 Set point A ( 0= not active, 1 = active) B2 Set point B ( 0= not active, 1 = active) B1 Set point C ( 0= not active, 1 = active) B0 Set point D ( 0= not active, 1 = active)

3 - 1 B7 HV 1 cable interlock B6 HV 2 cable interlock B5 HV 3 cable interlock B4 HV 4 cable interlock B3 HV 1 Remote on/off B2 HV 1 Remote on/off B1 HV 1 Remote on/off B0 HV 1 Remote on/off

4 1 bit = 100V 1 Controller status ( 0= no error, 6 = error) 5 1 bit = 100V 1 Channel 1 , High voltage measured 6 1 bit = 100V 1 Channel 2 , High voltage measured 7 1 bit = 100V 1 Channel 3 , High voltage measured 8 1 bit = 100V 1 Channel 4 , High voltage measured 9 Ampere 4 (floating

point) Channel 1 , Current measured

13 Ampere 4 (floating point)

Channel 2 , Current measured

17 Ampere 4 (floating point)

Channel 3 , Current measured

21 Ampere 4 (floating point)

Channel 4 , Current measured

25 Pressure unit selected

4 (floating point)

Channel 1 , Pressure measured

29 Pressure unit selected

4 (floating point)

Channel 2 , Pressure measured

33 Pressure unit selected

4 (floating point)

Channel 3 , Pressure measured

37 Pressure unit selected

4 (floating point)

Channel 4 , Pressure measured

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5 Technical Information PROFIBUS

Diagnosis Management In addition to the Profibus six byte standard diagnostic, the interface provides both user diagnostic and static diagnostics functions.

Standard diagnostic The standard diagnostic management is fully compliant with the Profibus specification.

User diagnostic The first byte in the user diagnostic area reflects the controller serial link status with following meaning:

Bit 0: controller doesnt respond

Bit 2: first loop of requests not ended (values in the input data are not fully coherent yet)

So, if the low nibble in the first byte is equal to 0, the interface is working properly. Otherwise there is a problem.

During the start-up phase after one interface power on or controller power on, the first byte can assume values different from zero for few seconds.

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Technical Information PROFIBUS


Each nibble (4 bits) in the bytes following the interface status byte, represents the status of the last attempt to write a parameter with following coding (diag status byte):

1. Write success

2. Protocol error (checksum error on low speed network)

3. Invalid channel

4. Invalid data

5. Invalid channel

6. Range error

7. Format error

8. Write not allowed while HV ON

9. Write not allowed while HV OFF

10. Write allowed only in serial mode

The Profibus external diagnosis services are used to report following unexpected situations:

Controller Fails If the controller switches to fail mode, an external diagnostic service is required and one byte in the diagnostic buffer signals the type of failure.

User Parameter Mismatch If the user sets one or more parameters out of their allowed range, a Profibus external diagnostic service is required and some bits in the diagnosis frame signals which parameter is wrong (i.e. over range or under range).

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5 Technical Information PROFIBUS

Diagnostic Buffer (15 byte) Tab. 25

Offset Meaning

0 B0 station non exist (set by master) B1 station not ready (slave not ready for data exchange) B2 cfg fault (configuration data doesnt match) B3 ext diag (slave has external diagnostic data) B4 not supported (slave doesnt support requested function) B5 invalid slave response ( slave sets permanent 0) B6 prm fault (wrong parameter assignment) B7 master_lock (slave is parameterised by another master)

St an

da rd

d iag

no st

ics 1 B0 prm req (slave has to be re-parameterised)

B1 stat diag (static diagnosis) B2 fixed 1 B3 wd_on (response monitoring active) B4 Freeze mode (received freeze command) B5 Synch mode (received synch command) B6 reserved B7 diag deactivated (slave is parameterised by another master)

2 Reserved

3 Master Add (master address after parameterisation. FF= without parameter)

4 Ident number high

5 Ident number low

6 External diagnosis Header length indication including header

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Technical Information PROFIBUS


Offset Meaning

7 Interface Status B0 Controller not responds B1 Not used B2 Input data not fully coherent yet B3 Not used B17 Not used

Ex te

rn al

di ag

no st


8 B74 HV1 On/Off diagnostic status B30 HV2 On/Off diagnostic status

9 B74 HV3 On/Off diagnostic status B30 HV4 On/Off diagnostic status


B74 HV1 Protect Mode diagnostic status B30 HV2 Protect Mode diagnostic status


B74 HV3 Protect Mode diagnostic status B30 HV4 Protect Mode diagnostic status

12 B74 HV1 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status B30 HV2 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status

13 B74 HV3 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status B30 HV4 Fixed/Step Mode diagnostic status

14 B74 Serial/Remote/Local/Profibus diagnostic status B30 Not used

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5 Technical Information Cleaning

Cleaning For safety reasons, before cleaning the controller:

Turn the controller off;

disconnect the controller power plug from the electrical outlet

disconnect all cables.

If the exterior of the controller becomes dirty, use a dry soft cloth.

Class B EMC declaration in South Korean language: "This equipment is Class B suitable for home electromagnetic environment and is suitable for use in all areas. The South Korean text must be included (and English translation may be included).

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Technical Information Accessories and Spare Parts


Accessories and Spare Parts

Tab. 26

Part Description Controllers 8299010 4UHV with 1 channel 200 W Negative with profibus interface 8299011 4UHV with 1 channel 200 W Positive with profibus interface 8299020 4UHV with 2 channels 200 W Negative with profibus interface 8299021 4UHV with 2 channels 200 W Positive with profibus interface 8299100 4UHV with 1 channel 120 W Negative with profibus interface 8299101 4UHV with 1 channel 120 W Positive with profibus interface 8299200 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Negative with profibus interface 8299201 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Positive with profibus interface 8299400 4UHV with 4 channels 80 W Negative with profibus interface 82-9401 4UHV with 4 channels 80 W Positive with profibus interface 8299210 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Negative +

1 channel 200 W Negative with profibus interface 8299211 4UHV with 2 channels 80W Positive +

1 channel 200 W Positive with profibus interface 8299022 4UHV with 1 channel 200 W Positive +

1 channel 200 W Negative with profibus interface 8299402 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Positive +

2 channels 80 W Negative with profibus interface 8299212 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Positive +

1 channel 200 W Negative with profibus interface 8299213 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Negative +

1 channel 200 W Positive with profibus interface 9299010 4UHV with 1 channel 200 W Negative 9299011 4UHV with 1 channel 200 W Positive 9299020 4UHV with 2 channels 200 W Negative 9299021 4UHV with 2 channels 200 W Positive 9299100 4UHV with 1 channel 120 W Negative 9299101 4UHV with 1 channel 120 W Positive 9299200 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Negative 9299201 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Positive

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5 Technical Information Accessories and Spare Parts

9299400 4UHV with 4 channels 80 W Negative 9299401 4UHV with 4 channels 80 W Positive 9299210 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Negative +

1 channel 200 W Negative 9299211 4UHV with 2 channels 80W Positive +

1 channel 200 W Positive 9299022 4UHV with 1 channel 200 W Positive +

1 channel 200 W Negative 9299402 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Positive +

2 channels 80 W Negative 9299212 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Positive +

1 channel 200 W Negative 9299213 4UHV with 2 channels 80 W Negative +

1 channel 200 W Positive HV Cables 9290705 HV bakeable cable, radiation resistant, 4 meter 9290707 HV bakeable cable, radiation resistant, 7 meter 9290708 HV bakeable cable, radiation resistant, 10 meter 9290709 HV bakeable cable, radiation resistant, 20 meter Power Cord 9699958 Mains Cable US/NEMA plug (3m long) 9699957 Mains Cable EU plug (3m long) 8121-0703 Mains Cable CHINA plug (3m long) 9499399 Power Cable IEC 320

110/116 Agilent 4UHV Ion Pump Controller User Manual / 87-900-137-01 (E)

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